Order in process since 3 months

Hello, I'm looking for help here because when I contact support I always receive the same automatic message, I ordered equipment on the site on January 15 and still today 3 months later my order is in progress so It's been 5 days since my entire order has been open. I admit that I don't understand why it's not moving and there's so much delay. I would like to know if I'm the only one who has had this kind of problem? because I still find it serious to pay 1600€ and absolutely nothing happens


  • You are not alone. I have 3 oders in flight and still at the warehouse for 3+ weeks

  • Good luck they suck at helping people had to cancel mine because I’d rather spend my money elsewhere than wait months good luck too you tho :)

  • Hello Audric, many people is in the same situation I am afraid. My DD PRO bundle got "Handover to warehouse" at the very moment I ordered it, all products inside having "OPEN" status. That was almost 3 weeks ago, and no communication or anything till now.

    We have 2 options, either cancelling or waiting for news, and I am not pretty confident with second one since this is not a recent issue, as per I have read, since black friday last year this situation is ongoing.

  • Fanatec shipping and customer service has always been bad at updating information..

    In general where you're located makes a big difference.. Some of the international shipping is a pure nightmare. US shipping doesn't seem to be as bad as other places.

    In general, you're going to wait a bit and odds are you won't get an update before your order shows up.

    Even back in 2021 when I ordered all my stuff ($2280) I never received shipping updates. The stuff simply showed up one day!! A few days later I received an update AFTER it was delivered..

    When I order from Fanatec, I simply order and forget about it until it shows up..

    It's clear from their investor relations website the company is in big financial trouble. I've also seen a bunch of non-branded Fanatec gear on sites like eBay being sold out of China. This tells me that didn't pay a vendor/manufacturer or a shipping company.. Then that company is selling off their products they have to recover their out of pocket expenses...

    It's going to take months to fix the companies problems.. Until then patients is a virtue lol

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