Help with driver 455 and CSW 2.5 firmware upgrade

Hi all

I'm getting back into some PC sim-racing after a bit and have dusted off my sim rig which includes CSW 2.5 WB, universal hub for pc/xbox, fanatec shifter and clubsport v3 pedals

I have downloaded the latest PC driver (455).

Everything shows up as it should in the tuning menu on the software. And everything responds as it should in the application (shifter, ff test on the wheel base, pedals, etc)

It is telling me I am due for a motor update (from current 18 to 22) as well as a wheelbase update (from current 669 to 693). Yes its been a while LOL.

I have tried to accomplish this several times but have been unsuccessful every attempt. I get the error message which asks if everything works in the tuning menu (yes), is the start button flashing (yes) and is the wheel base listed in the game controllers panel (yes).

  1. I have tried multiple usb ports, ranging from on the mobo and otherwise
  2. I have tried both with the universal hub/steering wheel on and off
  3. I have tried on a different computer (Microsoft surface)
  4. I have NOT tried a manual firmware update. every time I think i'm going to try I see "you might brick it" and I get too nervous LOL
  5. I have attached the latest logs from the latest attempt

Is it even worth it to upgrade. My firmware is quite old so it seems it would be.

Or should I just go for the manual updates?

thanks in advance for any advice you might have.

ps I hope my zip file logs actually posted I will try again if it failed


  • MadDog-ICMadDog-IC Member
    edited May 2024

    Me being the cautious one, If it isn't broken (everything is working as intended), don't try and fix it, if the updates don't fix an issues you may have with your gear, I personally wouldn't update the firmware. You have to send it back to Fanatec for a repair or worse replace it all together.

    Regarding your logs, there no where to be seen, the forum is broken in regard to some features and uploading files might be one of them, you can still do a link to a file on other file sharing devices such as dropbox, google drive, etc.

    Manual update is always and option, but you have to be ok with dealing with any of the negative things that can happen, I would think if it can't do the update automatically, then a manual update would logically have the same outcome, but just sometimes a manual update will fix it, the odds are just against it working.

    Would be interested in seeing your LOGS to see what issues may be going on, I am no expert in this tho and have no experience with the CSW 2.5.

    Fanatec Drivers from v452-456 with their associated Firmware have had all sorts of new introduced faults with motors, Wheels, WQR, Hubs, Button Modules and others across the Fanatec Ecosystem. There is a new beta driver v457 trying to address some of the issues, and quite early to say if this has indeed fixed any of them. Personally for My DD1, V451 was the most reliable, v455 was ok, v456 caused a few wheel disconnects from base whilst racing, and for others it was making racing impossible, V457 has just been released a few days ago, so still under trial.

  • MadDog-IC

    Thank you for the response and that is sage advice (especially since I’m hanging on to a sim technology that is on its way out

    I’ve been down the Fanatec firmware wormhole before in years past, I may have blocked that trauma from my mind. the new fancy driver just looked so user friendly I was hoping it had simplified things

    I’ll try a different method of uploading log files when able

    much appreciated

  • I feel like adding, because no one thinks about it, that you can easily update the drivers, and therefore also update Fanalab and have support for new games, without updating the firmware.

    It will work perfectly, every time you open the Fanatec software, some red writings will remind you that there are firmwares to update, just ignore them.

  • edited May 2024

    @Alessandro Gortan

    That's good to know, thank you.

    I didn't even realize updating the driver to 455 would have a tangible benefit to my set up actually!

    I may have mistakenly thought "driver 455" was simply another term for "new firmware update software"

    edit: I think maaaaaaybe I successfully uploaded the error logs. if anyone has the skill set to parse through the information that would be great. I'm ok with the decision to leave well enough alone, now its just intellectual curiosity as to why this update process isn't working for me.

  • Logs only showing the updater trying to do its thing and handing over to the "Fw Base Motor Updater Program", gives it 60 seconds and times out after the 60 seconds because it can't program the motor FW.

    Extract that shows a problem:

    FWMNGR: --------------------------------->> FanatecDevice.CDC_MODE.MOTOR

    FWMNGR: --------------------------------->> WheelBaseMotorOrRimUpdate initiated > MODE: 0

    FWMNGR: FirmwareManager::UpdaterWait Checking for FwBaseMotorUpdater in 60 seconds...

    FWMNGR: FirmwareManager::UpdaterWait Max waiting time for FwBaseMotorUpdater has been reached....

    FWMNGR: ERROR: PrivateWheelBaseMotorOrRimUpdate failed! A problem has been encountered while starting Update Mode

  • @MadDog-IC

    thanks for looking/interpreting!

    Is there something I can do to remedy? I know you said to leave it well enough alone but now I'm on the edge of obsession/annoyance.

    I wonder if my issue is just how far back I am on the firmwares for motor and wheel base (18 and 669 respectively, newest being 22 and 693)

    thanks again everybody. I had contacted customer support earlier but haven't heard back

  • edited May 2024


    I hope somebody doing desperate internet searches with similar CSW 2.5 issues can find this post.


    1. hold start button for 8-9 seconds until it turns blue (boot loader mode)
    2. At this point the fanatec software automatically reflashed it with the latest base firmware (693).
    3. The wheelbase then went into "xbox mode" (green ring).
    4. Switch back to PC mode (for universal hub: Hold the "squares" + "Y" buttons together until ring is red)
    5. Open fanatec software (driver 455). you should then be able to update your motor software using the prompts.
    6. Wheel and shifter required re-calibration for me at this point. But it all works!

    thanks again to all of you for your help, and happy racing

    EDIT: Grammar and organization

  • I had no other ideas really, so I am glad you were spurred on to solve it yourself, A good solution that others may find very useful.

    All the best.

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