dd extreme disconnections

The base makes a hissing noise when you turn it on, it's not very intense but it is annoying. If you turn off the base it disappears immediately. On some occasions when turning the ring you notice how it roughens the steering and on occasions the ring has been disconnected, the turning works but the buttons don't and I have to restart the base to get it back to normal. I updated to firmware 457 and the disconnections seem less frequent but the hissing sound in the base is still the same. I sent a ticket to support but I sent it in Spanish and they asked me to send it in English. I did it on April 18 and I have no response. When will you give me a solution to this?


  • Disconnection issues are being actively discussed here: Fanatec Driver 457 Release Candidate for CSL, ClubSport and Podium (all wheels) - Page 9 — Fanatec Forum

    The coil whine and grainy / scratchy feeling when turning the wheel is also noticed by them. But from what I learn it's pure hardware issue and can't be fixed by firmware. It can be mitigated on CSL DD but not for CS DD / DD+. So I assume you need to RMA it.

  • Well let's see if they answer me because I don't know anything since I sent the ticket to support 15 days ago...

    I have already tried everything they say in this post and nothing works... it disconnects when it wants...

  • MikstaMiksta Member

    The noise is Coil Whine, mine would be worse at the 20-30 minute usage mark. Took 21 days until I had a response and I sent it back for an RMA.

    I had video's of the issue in PC and PS5 mode and listed out everything I had tried

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