DD+ Extreme Wheel - Traction Control increases by itself

Hello everyone,

I have discovered a new problem with my GT DD+ Extreme-Wheel, which, apart from the known disconnections, has worked perfectly so far.

The latest problem is that the traction control increases automatically. I noticed this during the Time Trial with the Skoda and during the current online races in Tsukuba and Suzuka. There is also only an automatic increase, there is no automatic reset to a lower value.

It is not possible to determine whether this happens in a certain position of the steering wheel or a certain throttle or brake position. On some laps nothing happens at all, on other laps it changes several times per lap. I can also say for sure that I don't accidentally touch the adjustment button at the bottom left, where the traction control is fixed.

After I noticed the error, I used the wheel with ACC for some time. Everything works here without any problems or incidents. I also drove the same races in GT7 with a different wheel (BMW M3 GT2 wheel), the error didn't occur with this wheel.

On this basis, I would assume that it is neither the wheel itself nor the base with firmware. I am still using the 455 driver.

Since the error has never occurred in the past, the wheel works without any problems in ACC and the error does not occur in GT7 with a different wheel, I suspect that it could possibly be due to the last GT7 update, since the Extreme Wheel was implemented here.

Does anyone know of this problem? If so, can you establish a connection to the cause?

The whole thing is currently very annoying, as the Extreme Wheel cannot actually be used for GT7 in this way. Unless you want to drive permanently with 100% traction control.


  • edited May 3

    You need to update the wheel Firmware to (included in driver 456 and 457) and the issue should be fixed.

  • Markus TMarkus T Member

    If you don't want to update the firmware at the moment, change the wheel clutch pedals from AA to clutch in the wheel tuning menu.

  • I have observed the same TC increase with my DD pro wheel (the 'plastic' one). And as I didnt change FW I thought its related to GT7 update.

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