Customer service wait times

Has anyone recently received a reply from Fanatec customer support? If so, how long did it take to receive?

I lodged a support ticket on the same day as receiving my order due to a fault with the pedals. It has been 9 days and I have only received the auto-reply advising of a general wait of 3-5 days.

After reading through this forum, I know people have waited a lot longer than me but I'm just trying to gauge a realistic timeframe.


  • I have made 2 sales inquiries via the website and haven’t even received an automated email that even acknowledges I sent it.

    in my book, there’s no excuse for things being this bad. I need more new Podium Shifter Module, so I’m kind of stuck.

    hoping to hear something, sometime.

  • I ended up just buying another set of pedals and will arrange for them to refund the faulty set. Figured this was the quickest way to get the issue resolved although somewhat risky as who knows if/when I will receive a response or a refund.

  • Had one response since November. Sent 30 odd emails and 30 odd tickets

  • Maybe if you send 30 more of each, you might get a faster response.

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