ClubSport steering wheel formula v2 button activated


I'm sorry for creating a topic since the search tool on this website is weak and i cant put in a support ticked... it keeps saying that i need to write a message or subject (which i both do )

Anyway i have the problem that 2 buttons are activated while i dont use them. While playing ACC button 5 and 12 are used randomly. button 5 keeps active for a while and can go out again, to be used later again and same for 12. I see in the control panel sometimes thats it activated too but most of the time not.

Any suggestions how to fix this? (besides not assigning the button )

I have the wheel for a half year

Driver: 455

Steering Wheel:


  • Update the wheel to firmware of driver 457 and the issue should be gone.

  • The control room says it is up to date?

  • Because your control room is not up-to-date.

    Have a look at driver 457 here in the forum, download and install it and then flash the new wheel firmware and your issue should be fixed.

  • Is this the same with the funky switch on the Clubsport RS? I have all the latest firmware but is still malfunctioning. It is jittery and only works 'up' and 'left'.

  • Still have the issue after updates

  • edited June 15

    i geuss i'm here just like anyone else on the forum... waiting for a sollution ... from fanatec

  • It has been months... eventhoug on support i had 1 reply. But after that it was back to radio silence...

    And when you call them between their opening hours for phone... ( max 2 hours a day) You get a message that they focus on the emails.

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