How to downgrade Firmware to 451 driver and older ? Formula wheel v2.5x


I have an issue with my Formuma V2.5x wheel loosing button input, I have tried firmware from drivers 454 to 457 with no success.

I've opened a ticket with support but no clear resolution yet.

Everytime I tried to downgrade to 451 the manual update wouldn't work for the wheel, but it work for the base, what am I doing wrong ?


  • Whats the current Wheel Firmware?

    Most likely you have a Formula V2.5X from a new batch which uses a brand new chip with a brand new firmware, which is only supported first with 454. That would explain why you cant downgrade to 451 firmware because 451 did not had any firmware for this new chip variant wheel included.

  • I'm currently on, tried the Beta firmwares as well, they installed but they didn't fix the issue.

    My wheel is from the Black Friday batch, so your comment makes sense, i'll stop trying to downgrade below 454, thanks.

    I guess my only hope stands with Customer Support then.

  • edited May 2024

    Thought so, it is indeed the new chip variant wheel as only that one uses firmware with semantic versioning X.X.X.X, old chips use regular plain versioning like V47.

    There is no Firmware ever released lower than - thats the lowest firmware ever available for this wheel, it is the production firmware.

    So nothing you can do to downgrade further as there is nothing to downgrade to.

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