Shifter does not shift the selected gears

Hello, I use the shifter all the time with the H-shift. For some time now, the shifting has been very imprecise. For example, when I shift into first gear, it does not select a gear. If I shift into 9th gear, it also selects no gear or 7th gear. It is similar with the other gears. I use the shifter 95% of the time in Eurotruck 2.

Could this be due to the latest update?


  • This is a known issue. You will find solutions on YouTube, however they are all temporary fixes. The simplest remedy is to remove the cover and reassemble it. It will work for a few months.

  • Rinus HuismanRinus Huisman Member
    edited May 2024

    Here you go. I eventually sold my shifter and went with Frex. I finally can shift without fear, and with confidence. Been 5 years and I should have done earlier. Shifter is not per se a bad shifter.. It's just plagued by an technical fault.

  • Hello Alessandro,

    Your tip was helpful. After I had opened the four screws on the top cover and carefully removed the smaller cable from the cable lug so that it didn't tear off, I was able to remove the accumulated dust with a few powerful blasts of air. This is best done with a hoover or with my eyes closed.

    I then recalibrated the shifter and it no longer shows any errors.

    Thanks for that.

    Hallo Alessandro,

    ihr Tipp war hilfreich. Nachdem ich die vier Schrauben des oberen Deckels geöffnet hatte und vorsichtig das kleinere Kabel aus dem Kabelschuh löste, damit es nicht abriss, konnte ich mit ein paar kräftigen Luftstößen den angesammelten Staub entfernen. Am besten mit Staubsauger oder geschloßenen Augen.

    Danach den Shifter neu kalibriert und er zeigt keinerlei Fehler mehr an.

    Danke dafür.🤩

  • I believe, but cannot be sure, that some electrostatic charge builds up due to the movement of the lever.

    I had the same problem with an SHH shifter. The Hall effect is based on the measurement of a displacement of electric charge and if an electrostatic charge accumulates in the circuit it could make the measurement go crazy.

    I have not had any problems with the Fanatec gearbox for the moment, but I have connected the external casing to the ground. It should be the solution that always works for these electromagnetic problems.

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