QR2 wheel side piece coming out on wheel

Has anyone encountered an issue like this?

I'm struggling to add pictures to this forum post so will try to explain...

There's a small plastic piece inside of the wheel side of the QR2 that covers the pin receivers (i didn't know it was a separate piece until now)

This piece comes off with the wheel when the wheel is removed and gets stuck in the pins on the wheel.

Connection of wheel to the base 'seems' fine in regards to Fanalab detecting the wheel connecting. I'm not sure what the physical connection should feel like, having not used QR2 before, but it seems to feel correct.

I am able to pull the plastic piece off the pins on the wheel, and re insert into the wheel side QR2 on the base, and repeat the process.

I got the qr2 during black Friday but only installed this week. ( babies and work smh 😕)

Changed the metal washer to the plastic one with the new screws as instructed.

Posted in Fanatec owners group Australia and it would seem among other unhelpful comments that no one had seen it before.


  • edited June 4

    still wont let me add pics

    *fail code 403* ?

  • What comes off is a part of the QR2 Base-Side, not the wheel side. You cant fix it on your own but you need to contact the support.

  • yeah I'm aware its not supposed to do this, so would you say the wheel side of the QR is fine and the base side is faulty?

    Thanks for your profiles over the last few years by the way.

  • Yes the Wheel-Side is fine. It's only related to the Base-Side.

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