Where is my order that I placed since January 2nd 2024

I placed and order since Jan 2 2024 for a QR2 pro wheel side. I haven't received it as yet. I've sent countless emails and messages with only automated replies, which doesn't help my situation. What am I to do again? I'm being completely ignored.

It feels like I have been robbed.


  • Allan LehtlaAllan Lehtla Member
    edited June 12

    well. actually you should probaply contact with you bank or something. you been wait too long.

    over month wait is by default already too long

  • I ordered three weeks ago yesterday and have tried contacting them with email and phone several times to no avail. Yesterday I started a dispute with my CC company. It’s as if no one is there at the company, and like you, I feel ignored. Also understand that Endor (Fanatec) stock closed at $0.32 yesterday so things aren’t great at the company now.

  • Update:

    Funny enough, I finally got a reply from Fanatec yesterday.

    They said,"It appears the shipping service took the package without scanning it, hence the status remains "label created," and the package cannot be located

    They will ship the QR2 pro out ASAP. It looks like progress. Wouldn't hold my breath though. Fingers crossed.

  • that actually happened once with me as well in one other order in other place because at scanning missing one number.

    i wreak out as hell.

    but i get my package as they added letter in the box that i need contact with delivery.

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