Orders and shipping

I recently purchased a ready 2 race setup everything went fine put in my payment details to make the purchase made the purchase then get an error code saying that my order could not be saved that I needed to contact them. I did just that just spent $800 and didn't get anything no one will reply keep saying I didn't make a purchase the item is still in my cart purchased it through PAYPAL have the receipt and still no reply I really want my wheel help anyone its been since last month


  • you should probaply contact thro PAYPAL if you purchase failed

  • I have almost the same issue I did an order I got an error massage they took the money and the order doesn’t appear ! 3 weeks now I am waiting to speak with someone nothing ..

  • My purchase didn't fail they just took my money took a screen shot of the error code PAYPAL has tried to contact them have about three days left then PAYPAL will give me back my funds then I'll try again.

  • You are lucky because you used pay pal and they can find you a solution ! I paid via card an I think I just give them 600 euros for free

  • i live in Montpellier Québec Canada i order a wheel and a QR2 Saturday the 15 June order confirm Sunday and yesterday the 19 Fed-ex was at my door!!I really appreciate how Fanatec manage their services



  • Achat base dd , roue 330 , hub v2 et pedalier v2 le 23 juin dans la nuit livré le 1er juillet dans l'après-midi.

    Pas un seul soucis de transport un léger enfoncement sur un des paquets maais totalement légèr (juste la boîte éraflée)

    Suivi correct mise à jour rapidement après chaque déplacement de votre/vos achat/s

    Aucun contact mail d'échangé (pas eu besoin vu pas de soucis).

    Du coup achats supplémentaires le jour même de la livraison...cockpit complet.

    Recommande fortement fanatec et ups ,un client plus que ravi...



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