I have been waiting for my order for more than a month please I need help

he intentado todo, mandar un mail a fanatec, les he dejado varios mensajes en su pagina web, he hablado con UPS por telefono y nada hice un pedido de la base de 12 nm hace mas de un mes y aun no me ha llegado nada, en ups dicen que se ha devuelto al remitente Fanatec, pero no hay manera de contactar con ellos, por favor necesito ayuda me he gastado mucho dinero y no puedo hacer nada...

I have tried everything, sending an email to fanatec, I have left several messages on their website, I have spoken with UPS by phone and nothing, I placed an order for the 12 nm base more than a month ago and I still have not received anything, UPS says it has been returned to the sender Fanatec, but there is no way to contact them, please I need help, I have spent a lot of money and I can't do anything...


  • to you live at UK or something that they send it back to fanatec?

  • No, I live in Spain, the most incredible thing in the story is that there are always people in my house and no one has ever come here, nor did they leave any notice in my mailbox and no one has called me by phone either and UPS says that it has been The package was returned to the sender at the request of Fanatec itself.

    No, I live in Spain, the most incredible thing in the story is that there are always people in my house and no one has ever come here, nor did they leave any notice in my mailbox and no one has called me by phone either and UPS says that it has been The package was returned to the sender at the request of Fanatec itself

  • Allan LehtlaAllan Lehtla Member
    edited June 2024

    "The package was returned to the sender at the request of Fanatec itself"

    that is interesting. what you ordered ?

    ClubSport DD ?

    maybe they find a issue and not want send that for you?

    now if that is a true then something is been changed inside fanatec. because i not seen something like this before in forum

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