DD Extreme stucks in 3rd gear — all buttons not working

in Gran Turismo
Hello guys, this is my first post here.
I bought my DD Extreme few months ago and I started to have random happening issues playing GT7 (this is why I’ve posted here — dunno if its related to GT7).
suddenly the car stops changing gear, stucked on 3rd, and all the wheel buttons stop working also. I don’t have H shifter, I only use CSL basic pedals + load cell upgrade.
does anybody know or having the same issue?
You should head over to the driver releases section and read through the 455 & 457 candidate for discussions on disconnects. This seems to be affecting certain bases and possibly wheel or pedal combinations. Its not related to GT7
You don’t mention which firmware versions you have installed or even if you have updated them since getting your wheel but that information is needed to start working on your issue
If you don’t have one you will need a windows pc to update the firmware. FW version is assocaited w a driver package, and the individual FW versions are listed in the changelogs. Your remedy may be a mix of FW from one or two different driver pkgs
I’m running base FW from 455 and WQR from 457 with my DD+ but other people may need something different depending on the issues they are having
driver 456 is not recommended for the base FW
Hello, Neil.
thanks for your quick response.
I am using the latest released firmwares for all my hardware.
Using all latest FW may not be the best for your setup. There seem to be some differences either due to Quality control or other part differences during manufacture. So it may work better by trying different versions of FW for each separate piece: Base, WQR, wheel, pedals
The FW has been through a few updates to address problems that certain units were having as well as some special patches so finding the right combination is key to your situation if the latest is not working. They are still working to find a package that resolves all the issues for all units and components
From the behavior what I can see is that the QR connector in the wheelbase (managing the communication between wheel and base) is crashing. Therefore the buttons on the wheel stop working. A restart of the wheel base will revive it.
It's a software issue and there's not much you can do, except for maybe try the experimental 457 firmware to see if that fixes it for you.
Some people don't have issues with that FW, some do, including me, so I've stuck with the 455 firmware.
With 457 my crashes were far more frequent.
It should also be noted that the 457 crashes are different since they'll also mean the pedals and wheel turn in are stuck. Only upside there is that the base reboots itself after a few seconds
Hi Markus.
I’ve tried the 457 firmware, it stopped that issue that I reported, but it randomly loses the FFB, so I pause the game and unpause and it gets back. I was hoping that Fanatec would release a new firmware to put their DD Extreme at Gran Turismo World Chapion at Montreal, but they put DD Pro. What a shame!
Same issue here... Steering and pedals still work, but lose the shifter and buttons.