Podium DD2 with QR1 Metal and DD Extreme Wheel

Hi Guys,

i bought a DD Extreme Wheel for my DD2 and mounted a QR1 metal. Base says: Update your firmware. But the firmware is already updated. I have the latest firmware 457 installed. Seems that the Wheel is not recognized correctly.

My Question: Is the Wheel compatible with an DD2? Or will it be compatible with the DD2 in the future

Would be great, if anybody can help me. 🙂


  • edited July 2024

    As you can read in the webshop description of the wheel: it is currently ONLY supported by the CS DD.

    Support for other bases is supposed to come at some point in the future (not anytime soon, so not this year I think).

  • Thank you Maurice for the fast reply. I miss this description before buying the wheel. Maybe its time for the DD+ ;-)

  • good thing about DD2 is that he self have ITM display like its in that Extreme Wheel

  • Thats correct Allan, but i like the DD Extreme Wheel :-)

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