This user is scamming other users on the forum by posting items for sale and then when payment is sent he disappears. AVOID AVOID AVOID JEFF PLUMLEY IS A CONFIRMED SCAMMER


  • What items? I bet it's not Fanatec stuff...

  • V3 club sport pedals and the shifter, still hasn't answered me since I sent payment

  • I don't know how he gained your trust. But shouldn't we use a second-hand platform for transactions? If you trade second-hand items online with some stranger, the probability of scam is way too high.

  • Yeah I agree, I don't know why I trusted him tbh

  • Hello. You have his account number and details, exercise your right and report it to the police immediately and ask support if they can help you with the IP address and so on. Don't wait any longer to report it. May I ask which country you are from?

  • I will, thank you and the US

  • OK buddy, that sounds good. Is the person you transferred the money to also from the USA? And good luck, I'll keep my fingers crossed for you.

  • Yes they are.. thanks appreciate it

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