Damaged Connection (Repair Required)

It seems my 14 year old decided to undo the lock collar, and remove the wheelside QR1. On reassembly it would appear he forced the QR1 into the housing powered up the unit and has damaged the usb in the base. Is there anybody in the UK that could repair, and fit a new wheelside QR1, or is it now just a heavy piece of junk ?
I've already ordered a new CSL DD, wheelside and wheel QR2 and upgraded lock collar.
im assuming you can fix this in some electronic repair. it seems like you need at there the new usb socket, question would be tho how much damage that made inside base if you turn that on
Exactly that, I think internally the usb c socket is misaligned now. So I'm guessing the unit is only of use to somebody with other issues, like cracked casing or other major component probs.
Any chance this stuff might work?