Fanatec CSL DD Wheel Base Not Working, Need help

Today, whilst I was playing Assetto Corsa my CSL DD Wheel Base stopped giving input to Assetto, Thinking it was just a issue with the cable I just decided to restart my computer and continue using it as I have done that before and it has fixed my problem, After restarting my computer and opening Fanatec software, no wheel was found, After turning the wheel base off and turning it back on, The steering wheel flashed many colours very quickly and many random numbers on the wheel, Unplugging and replugging cables back in, restarting my computer and fanatec software and restarting the wheel base led to nothing, After that I decided to reset my driver on Fanatec software and that didn't work either. The wheel is only about a week old and should not be doing this as I have taken very good care of it, I try pressing the button to change the mode of the wheel but it stays red. I have no idea what the problem is.


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