Please explain ? (Newby)

Could someone please explain the terms ; Oscillation & spiking ?


  • Allan LehtlaAllan Lehtla Member
    edited August 13

    Oscillation is when steering wheel start turn left and right and not want stay steady.

    spiking meaning could be if steering wheel power goes over his actual limit and then makes very weird feeling like steering wheel loose power, i could be wrong at that but i been feel this sometimes

    for me by default looks like Oscillation comes from spring effect and the steering wheel angle

  • Neil ReubenNeil Reuben Member
    edited August 13

    Osciallation is when the wheel shakes back and forth in increasing force while the car is going straight. It depends on the game as to how it occurs and what works best to deal w it. Each game dev team has its own approach on how best to model its FF

    I mostly play GT7 and find it mostly with cars reaching very high speeds and having stiff suspensions. Its an interaction in how the suspension is modeled as it handles contact w the road surface and then tranlates that to wheel movement. In GT7 w the recent change in physics its more apparent.

    I found 3 things work to deal w it in GT7 - other games may be different.

    In game, Sensitivity is a setting that adds or removes compliance in the steering system. Like bushings in a car, going from very soft rubber to metal on metal. Lowering the setting will soften the system and reduce the oscillations somewhat but adding a more rubbery feel to the steering.

    On the wheel NDP is a damping function will also reduce the effects but too high will make all the feedback feel numb and less detailed

    The FOR setting on the wheel seems to be a major component in how suspension movement is modeled in GT7 so lowering this helps to reduce oscillation while not affecting most of the other feedback from steering - this is NOT the main FFB setting which controls the overall strength of the whole mix.

    Using all 3 you can find the best feel for your situation. I have 2 wheel setting slots for GT7, one w high FOR for most cars and one w a lower FOR setting for those that need it.

    Can’t say what spiking is or what causes as I’ve not noticed it

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