CSL DD Looses inputs


Since a few days my csl dd looses more and more inputs and i tried to reinstall Firmware and reseating the qr. I have read several posts but nothing seems to work. Now im on a Point where it seems that i dont Even have any Inputs except for steering and the Display is stuck with a Fanatec logo. I use the csl dd and the McLaren v2 Wheel.


  • Allan LehtlaAllan Lehtla Member
    edited August 15

    what inputs you mean ? sounds like broken hardware as you say that you even reset qr.

    stuff like this should not happen that easy. most likely factory defect with over voltages

    or you issue is this qr lite. not know tho

  • At the beginning it was only for a few seconds but then it became more frequent and lastet longer. At the end only these analogue paddles have worked. No other inputs from the Wheel were registered.

    But now i got another problem because the firmware of the Wheel is now Version 0 after i updated the fanatec driver to the latest Version. Now when i try to Update the Firmware of the Wheel nothing happens it only repeats itself.

  • i know that firmware 455 could be that 0 issue. what firmware you updated to?

  • Think it was 455 when it occurred. Then i tried different versions the last one was 456.

  • Allan LehtlaAllan Lehtla Member
    edited August 16

    in 457 it should be fixed for the CSL DD the version 0 issue

  • Thanks i think that worked. The Wheel now has version 47.

    Now the inputs are registered again but still with the disconnects.

  • Everytime when i turn the wheelbase off or unplug the wheel the Firmware resets to 0.

  • I believe I have the same problem. Only steering right or left work but none of the buttons, nor lights are working. first version driver version I installed was the 455, however, if I try to reinstall another version it will upgrade the base but when I install the wheel driver is shows this message: "FirmwareFlash Failed" followed by the message "Please reboot Wheel Base and retry update".

    So, I am stuck because the wheel doesn't work at all and I read to many forums and couldn't find a solution to this case. I do appreciate if someone can help with this situation.

    Thank you

  • I have same issue. CSL DD base +v2.5x wheel. If I connect the wheel, control panel stops working and recognizing everything

  • Since I use driver 457 it worked for a few hours but now it is really strange. The wheel does not work every few seconds it disconnects.

    My pedals now got firmware 0 and everytime i close the control panel the brake force resets to the lowest.

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