Housekeeping Update 5

Dear Community,
As another two weeks have passed, I’d like to share some updates on what’s happening at Fanatec. We've seen significant improvements in our shipping turnaround times, and it's been great to hear on social media how quickly many of you are receiving your orders. And thanks to the hard work of our fulfilment team, their support queue is now back to a turnaround time of three days.
While our technical support ticket backlog isn't where we want it to be, we're making progress thanks to the dedication of our tech support team with assistance from our external support partner. We're also testing a new tool that shows great potential in providing faster responses. We'll provide more details once we're confident in its performance.
We're starting to bring the Ready2Race bundles back online in Europe and US regions. I’m happy to say that we’re still offering the P1 V2 bundle at 399.95 EUR/USD, despite it now including the QR2, which is a significantly more complex part to produce.
Last week, we had the pleasure of attending Gran Turismo World Series: Round 2 in Prague. We are honoured to support these prestigious Gran Turismo events with Fanatec hardware. It was a blast to see the GT Community in such a stunning city, and the races were incredibly close! Congratulations again to the winners Mohamed Buhdeima and Valerio Gallo! The full race broadcasts can be found on the Gran Turismo TV YouTube channel, here is the highlight reel:
We want to reassure you of a few key facts that are important for you. Fanatec is still operating under normal business conditions, and all your orders will be shipped as indicated in your account (bear in mind the pre-order dates in case you have purchased something not currently in stock). Refunds are being processed as usual, and your warranty remains fully valid.
Have a wonderful weekend and keep on (sim) racing!
Belma Nadarevic, CMO at Fanatec
I’m curious if the GT DD Pro Bundle will receive a QR2 update in the future. Additionally, will there ever be a Gran Turismo DD Pro Wheel Base available with 5NM? I’m not sure why only the 8NM version is offered.
I appreciate your attention to these questions.
Best regards, Andrej.
Can you tell us why the DD+ was not used in the Prague round of the GT World Series? Was previously announced earlier as the plan but DD Pro was used instead
hardware drivers issues? as if you notice this that csl dd pedals may not work at that. at least some users complain about this in 457 section.
but by look the drivers own faces. they seemed not care tho what base they use as they coal was win only.
would be catastrophic event if middle off race players just start get mass disconnects as well i guess
We can all guess but I was interested in hearing response from Fanatec since they seem still committed to the sponsorship
fanatec does have also some hard times. why waste the expensive equipment anyway what waits buyers in they warehouse
Dear Fanatec,
I would have focused on the tech support and the stability of the software in your great hardware products first before you praise fast delivery. with a very fast delivery you only bring more problems into your house and annoy the customers who have a problem at your current stage. customers who are affected by your bad tech support talk much worse about you and cause more damage to your reputation than customers who receive the product within a few days worldwide. i am used to waiting several weeks for a top product in these days. but afterwards you have to be able to say that the wait was worth it.
in this sense, i hope that you will finally solve my technical issue and that you will at least limit my frustration a little.
thank you and have mich success.
Hi, I ordered my item on the 26th of July and it was handed over straight to the warehouse, and that is where it stopped. It is the 20th of August, and I have not received any delivery details yet, so I am confused about what you mean by "turnaround time of three days." It is not possible, as I have not received any tracking details.
I am concened that i will not recive the item and lose my money.
As a customer from years, I've recently bought a new wheel for my setup, and after an extensive testing, I don't have more tools to solve the problem, so it's a hardware thing that can be only solved by Fanatec support.
I'm without my main wheel from more than 1 month, and without any expected repair shipping or solution. I've also payed for iRacing cars, leagues and setups for using that wheel, and I'm not specially a guy with money. So I'm not only being truncated of using my product in legal warranty, I'm also losing money from third-party uses.
Putting the support ticket backlog away is the worst decision you can made with your current customers. You're literally prioritising make sales to try to get money in the bank account, but you're losing loyal customers, or at least, current customers that expect to proceed with their legal rights.
I suppose that declaring insolvent gives you the advantage of don't have to proceed with your legal consumer responsibilities, at least at the expected time as obviously you can't afford the enough technical support team infrastructure, and any claim respect this will be suspended in the time, but you're literally destroying the LTV of the company when you start to lose your current customers.
I'm just a humble App developer and product manager, but there are decisions taken from big companies that obviously uncover the real situation and future of the company, you don't have to be a real business person to know that this decline situation where Fanatec has been involved by bad decisiones in the past, is getting worst month by month.
My rig is completely made with Fanatec, so as loyal customer I only expect from the company to listen your current customers, and maybe, you can still save Fanatec.
Hi Angel,
This is very sad to read. Fanatec missed the chance to expand the relationship with me due to the support. Finally, after 3.5 weeks, the tech support confirmed that a RMA was created for analysis and repair. Now, i have to wait again till i get the shipping information. i don’t want to think of how long it will take in the end till i get a fully functional hardware back. i feel very sorry for the tech guy, he answered my email at 10:18 PM which i very much appreciated. i am not aware of any time shifts so i can imagine that this guy is making his best and works extremely hard. it shows me again that this is a strategic error at Endor AG. I really hope that we can put this bad experience to rest.
The customer base that Fanatec have lost must be massive and the bad reputation also. Many have got fed up and moved to other suppliers I'm sure.
Bonsoir , mon DD1 acheter en 2019 vient de tomber en panne , la je vois vraiment que le matériel fanatec est de mauvaise qualité et pourtant j’étais un fervent supporter de la marque fanatec ,j’ai quand même 7 volants fanatec avec pédaliers et shifter frein a main ect….En fin de compte c’est mérité ce qui vous arrivent ,quand ont préfère acheter des locaux immenses et pété plus haut que son derrière. La 1er chose à faire était de s’occuper et de dorloté vos clients qui depuis le début de fanatec avait révélé certains problèmes sur le service après vente et autres mais non regarder pour vous dire il faut faire le message de votre panne en anglais au lieu que ça soit eux qui le traduise en anglais cela prouve déjà que le client il en on rien à faire juste à prendre leurs fric.Je suis écœuré d’avoir crû en fanatec , j’ai fait un ticket pour mon problème du DD1 qui en plus n’est plus garantie j’attends et je me fais aucune illusion mon DD1 va me rester sur les bras en panne comme notre ami Naga .Pendant des mois je vais attendre le bon vouloir d’une équipe de choque qui se nomme fanatec . Heureusement des nouvelles marques émergent je vais voir comment ça ce passe si d’ici 1 mois c’est pas résolu je vends tous mon matériel fanatec et je vais voir ailleurs avec des entreprises qui aime satisfaire son client et qui vendent des produits solides.
Petite photo pour la nouvelle directrice qui je pense ne va pas rester longtemps panne de mon DD1 ?
why don't I get an answer from anyone❓❓❓
I'm starting to run out of ideas.
I haven't heard anything from support about my RMAs for MONTHS
RMA 64860 opened on 12/23/23, the last reply was on 6/6/24, and support hasn't been in touch since then.
I haven't heard anything about my RMA 69621 and 69942 either.
These are 2x CS DD 12nm and 1x CS DD+
The Wheelbas haven't been usable for over half a year, it's a tragedy!
Get a grip. A tragedy it is not. A tragedy would be celebrating the 4th of July, and losing your child to a stray bullet.
Excuse me?
I really don't have to put up with such impudence
Get a life. Calling your situation a tragedy is an utter joke.
Bonjour Stephane,
Moi aussi je vais répondre en Français, j’ai le même problème que vous avec mon DD1 et je suis également client chez Fanatec depuis des années, j’ai ouvert un RMA en juin et reçu une première réponse le 2 juillet me donnant des instructions pour essayer de régler le problème, ce que j’ai suivi mais sans résultats, j’ai répondu que ça ne fonctionnait pas et pas de réponse depuis malgré d’autres messages envoyés…. Entre temps j’avais commandé le DD extrême que j’ai reçu et qui avait un problème de bruit de bobine , j’ai ouvert un RMA et j’ai été répondu dans un délai raisonnable et j’ai retourné la base , elle a été réparé et je suis satisfait du produit, selon moi supérieur au DD1 acheté au début en septembre 2018 et reçu en 2019 donc plus sur garantie et que j’ai bénéficié pendants plusieurs années mais maintenant avec le même problème que vous et inutilisable , le problème n’est pas le produit en lui-même, car avec mon expérience les produits Fanatec sont de bon produit et comme n’importe quel marque il arrive certains problèmes mais c’est le service à la clientèle qui pose problème et comment voulez-vous que les clients soient en confiance quand vous ne mettez pas l’accent sur le client en lui-même ….vous Belma Nardarevic avec votre attitude qui rit en pleine face des clients, votre attitude ne donne vraiment pas confiance pour le futur si en existe un pour la marque. Pour ma part j’ai d’autres bases Fanatec DD+ et je peut attendre mais pour ceux comme Stephane la situation est plus problématique, un peut de respect et de sérieux pour les clients serait appréciable, Merci
It’s been 2 months and I still haven’t received my replacement wheel base. It has been over 2 months since I sent in my wheelbase to Fanatec. Why treat customers like this? My friends CS DD died after 2 days as well and he has the same problem. To be honest, this is causing a lot of stress and anxiety for us. After all we aren’t talking about chump change here, we’re talking about thousands of euro’s!!
Looks like Fanatec has new ownership.
Endor AG: Endor AG's business is taken over by CORSAIR | Ad-hoc - EQS News (
Dear Sevannio, we’d like to apologise that you’ve experienced a problem with your wheel base and that you’re still waiting for the resolution of your concern due to the backlog at Customer Care. We acknowledge that the current speed of customer service responses needs improvement. Please note that we’re committed to improving our customer service. Fanatec will be integrated into the global support and logistics operation by Corsair, to give you better service and more transparency. Please send me a direct message with your order details, and we’ll gladly forward your concern with our team.
Your Fanatec Team
Hi guys,
As stated the Ready2Drive P1 V2 bundle at 399.95 is still available.
My son is currently saving up for it, I was curious if anyone could tell me how long this pricing will be available?