I cancelled my order but After one month I don t have the reimbursment

Order issued on 5 July and payed with bank transfer. I cancelled It on 15 July but after several mail without a reply and after more then 1 month I still do not have the reimbursment.. if It Is not possibile to have the reimbursment please ship me the order..

Is It possible to have a reply?

Ready to change my opinion/this message as soon I receive the bank transfer or the material.


  • Allan LehtlaAllan Lehtla Member
    edited August 2024

    sounds like a Scam

    problem of course is if someone order products then they usually guess that customer wants a product.

    that usually how industrial works. but we are not in industrial level at here. so fanatec need think differently if they sell to the customers

  • 72% negativity is huge number, it means they failed allot customers trust


  • Problem solved. Reimbursment sent today, It was only question of a bit of time. Thanks you!

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