Fanatec Driver 457 (Update on CS DD+ Disconnection Issue) Driver and discussion open for everyone

While we are still working with highest priority on a new driver release including a solution for the CS DD+ disconnection issues, I want to provide a summary of potential solutions and workarounds already now. Hopefully they also help you if you suffer from those kinds of issues.
Everyone not affected by this issue can scroll down and access driver 457 at the bottom. The discussion is also still for everyone and not focused on the CS DD disconnection issue.
Possible solutions and workarounds for CS DD+ disconnection issue
- Try using the PS4 mode on the CS DD+ (light blue power button LED)
- Seems to mainly help with the issue where FFB, display and LEDs keep working but inputs from base to PS5 like steering, pedal and button inputs are not working for around 5 seconds. Steering wheel does not appear to re-boot.
- Just be aware that the base will boot into PS5 mode again after a restart and you have to switch to PS4 again after every new boot of the base. (we are working on that issue)
- Use CS DD+ Quick Release Firmware hotfix export (download and instructions below)
- Seems to mainly help with the issue where the steering wheel stops working for around 3 seconds and reboots when using 457 (prev needed reboot with 456). With this issue often the pedals and steering input keeps working but FFB is likely stuck for these 3 seconds.
- It seems like the wheels get physically stuck inside the wheel arch when the car is too low, blocking the steering.
- In case you are playing GT7 and you have mainly issues with a weird steering input: Make sure it's not an issue with the car setup. If the suspension is set too low the steering can get stuck for some time, raising the suspension or driving a less extreme car can often solve this issue. It can also help to stiffen the suspenion.
- This issue is independent of the one we are investigating as it can happen with any wheel and also with using an official PS5 Dual Sense Controller, but some have mistaken it for an issue of the base because the steering angle gets stuck for some time and they are losing control.
- Some say that for them using different/shorter cable or a powered USB hub helped, but we also got a lot of feedback that it didn't and could not make the same experience. Feel free to give it a try if nothing above helps.
- Use CSDD+ Wheel Basse Firmware hotfix export (download and instructions below)
- With this the disconnections in PS5 mode should be fixed.
How to update to the firmware above manually
- Extract both firmware files.
- Open the Fanatec Control Panel
- Navigate to the Firmware Update page
- Open the Firmware Manager
- Use the checkbox in the top right to switch to manual updates
- Choose Wheel Base Firmware Update
- When Updater is open, use the 3 dotted button to browse the extracted Wheel Base firmware.
- Click on Flash Firmware
- After the base updated and restarted the Firmware Manager should be shown again
- This time select the Quick Release Firmware Update
- Again use the 3 dotted button, but this time select the Quick Release firmware.
- Click on Flash Firmware
Survey to gather more info about the disconnection issues with CS DD+
Even though we found some solutions and workarounds which helped many of the affected CS DD+ users, unfortunately they don't seem to help everyone. It seems like we are dealing with multiple different issues and root causes at the same time which all lead to very similar or sometimes identical (and sometimes changing) symptoms which affected customers experience. Therefore we are still looking forward to receiving as much info as possible, which is why I've created a Microsoft Forms survey with questions about the issues. It makes sense to try the provided suggestions above first before filling the form, as part of the questions ask weather one of them was successful or not and to which degree.
Some of you might have already answered a lot of these questions to me personally over the past weeks, feel free to fill it out again, there is an optional e-mail address field at the end which will help me to see weather its info from someone I already have on the feedback list. While I already gathered a lot of info from many people, the kind of questions were always evolving and this way I would like to find a new hopefully as complete as possible picture on the issue and reach more people.
Now back to the original 457 driver
This general forum discussion will still serve as a place where everyone can provide feedback regarding driver 457.
If you want to talk and troubleshoot about the disconnection issue specifically, please write me a PM directly because its then much easier to have a continues exchange focused on the topic as the issue is a bit different for everyone and putting all into one discussion can create a lot of confusion.
How to report issues:
If you report a driver or firmware issue, please make cross checks:
- Update driver and FW separately to isolate an issue and find out if caused by driver OR firmware.
- Which driver OR firmware shows the issue
- Which driver OR firmware does not show the issue
- Check if you can reproduce the issue again if you go back to the version which seems to have caused the issue
- Check if the issue is related to specific settings of for example the tuning menu. Is it happening more or less with a specific setting raised or lowered?
- Post the answers gathered from the questions above + a short description of the issue including the following info:
- Wheel Base Model (product ID): ...
- Steering Wheel Model (product ID): ....
- Driver Version: ....
- Base FW Version: ....
- Motor FW Version: ....
- Wheel FW Version: ....
- FanaLab Version: ....
- Tuning Menu settings
- Driver/FanaLab installed on C: drive or else?
- With driver related issues collect log files and zip them from C:\Users\Public\Fanatec Logs
Download link was removed as driver 455 is more stable than 456 and 457 and we are working on a new driver to fix the disconnection issues on 457 which will include the separate firmware versions posted above.
Is the miss shifting issue with the Podium Hub and the PMR (Rally button box) on the list to be fixed? Or is that still taking a back seat?
It is on the list to be investigated (and hopefully fixed) at some point in the future like many other BMR related issues, yes.
No ETA for a fix yet though.
I have a problem where the base CC+ is always in update mode and stuck when trying to update. How can i fix this. Send a support ticket more than a month ago, i still waiting.
mine sent back to RMA coz of this reason, tried everything on my side (pcb change so its hardware related) waiting to get it back now
Is this also involving looking into the issue of so many of the CS DD+ and DD bricking? Meaning that they no longer turn on and are undetectable. Or has that been supposedly been fixed in 457? Just sent in a new DD+ that bricked on the first day second time it was turned on after updating on 455. I see many cases of that happening to others. 455 is linked on the Fanatec website so a new user that knows no better will use that if that was the cause. Due to the really long support response I don't wish the same to happen on the next DD+ Wheel Base.
This is not a known widespread issue and very likely is not Software related.
Thanks Maurice. I can only relate to this one Wheelbase and others in the forum having the same problem in the past. So it's likely a hardware failure of some sort is it? Updating the firmware by using 455 couldn't cause that then? Hoping for better luck with the next one.
As far as I know the people getting this update loop issue are not caused by firmware update since everybody facing this issue while played the day before. I didnt update the firmware in1-2 months before this happened. I had 454 on the base when this happened.
3 weeks passed since i received the last email from fanatec, and still waiting.
how long did you wait until receive the information to send the base to them?
you wont be happy with my answer: after first contact 3 weeks, then rma process another 3-4 weeks, so if it goes "well" i will get it back after 2 and a half months of not playing with it
the thing which makes me really interested is that because of this 2.5 months, will i get the warranty period also extended since it was a hardware failure not any other case, so it means that from that date it was unusable, in my theory this should be added to the warranty end date
This is never added to a warranty time for anything you buy from any manufacturer, no.
I just recently had to send in my Segway Navimow i105E lawn mower due to a hardware issue. It arrived back after 6 weeks. And of course no, this 6 weeks do not get added to the default warranty time. This is not how a warranty works...
that can be only regulated by law. as far i know currently there are not this kind of law that company needs extend the warranty. if item its in they hands.
I am trying to update dd+ to 457 for the qr update beacause thats the problem im having is with the f1 wheel. I can go back from 454 to 455 with no problems at all with the fanatec control panel. I have installed and uninstalled 457 a bunch of times and this keeps popping up in the control panel . not sure what the problem is. 454 and 455 has no pop ups at all. Any one have this problem trying to update to 457
You have some kind of issue with Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2015, 2017 and 2019.
I wanted to ad that i tried getting the 456 just for the qr update and it did the same exact thing.
i got it, but since the warranty process now at Fanatec, we can say not the best, and to be able to send them back a defective product and get it fixed takes ages without any user influence, this should be added to the period because they are responsible for their process time not the user (we cant do much more writing mails to get it replied). also if they really want to get a good feedback on their brand after all of this fiasco, with the current circumstances they should consider adding these periods to the warranty.
for example you have 1 year warranty and you have a faulty hardware and the process takes like 9 months, then you have only 3 months left no matter the process was slowed down by the company side? i doubt it
Fanatec shifter still doesn't work with the Podium Rally Module - it's approaching 1 year since purchasing the wheel and *still* waiting for this to be addressed. Can we have an update please
You can doubt it as much as you want, legally it is exactly like that by law.
Thanks for the response Maurice . I will give that a try
same problem. what can I do?
see above. (Re)install C++.
And Maurice that is one of the reasons why I've sent my failed wheelbase back in the 14days refund period for a refund. The next one I purchase will be new not repaired with full 12 months warranty.
Even though I installed the fix updates, I still have ongoing problems.
1- Podium BMR, Fanatec logo does not appear on the first connection on DD+ base. It flickers during the race. The tuning menu does not close after opening. There is still a ghost joystick that pulls to the left.
2- When I connect csl pedals (without loadcell) to dd+ base, there is a 30% dead zone in the brake.
3- A 3rd party fanatec compatible handbrake (caravangoes) does not respond on dd+ base.
I tested it on 3 DD+ bases. The problems persist both in the factory version and in the 457.
Podium BMR, CSL Pedals and Caravangoes Handbrake work fine on DD2 base. All products 457 latest version.
I am aware that 3rd party will not be supported, of course. But the product sends an analog signal. It should recognize it as fanatec handbreake. I could not test it on dd+ because I do not have a fanatec product. While it works without problems on dd2, it does not respond at all on dd+.
Possible Solution for Wheel Detection, FFB Loss, and Connection Issues with the CS DD F1 v2 Bundle
I wanted to share my experience with the CS DD F1 v2 bundle, particularly regarding wheel detection issues, loss of force feedback (FFB), and other connection problems.
After getting the bundle, which includes the QR2 Pro adapter, I installed driver 455. Right from the start, I encountered issues where the base often failed to detect the wheel. It didn’t matter which USB port or alternative cable I used—the problem persisted. The only workaround I found was to physically remove the wheel and then reattach it. After a few tries, this usually worked. However, while driving in ACC, I would sometimes lose FFB, or the buttons/shifters would stop working.
Additionally, the wireless quick release firmware occasionally failed to register correctly, showing as version
Here’s what I tried:
Reinstalling driver, refreshing all firmware, changing USB ports and cables
Nothing made the setup stable.
Then, I upgraded to driver version 457, which improved the situation slightly: when the wheel disconnected, it would automatically reconnect after 5-10 seconds. However, you can't race like that.
Finally, I stumbled upon this YouTube video, which provided the key solution.
When you receive the bundle, the F1 Wheel comes with a plastic ring pre-installed. The manual doesn’t indicate that you need to change anything on the wheel—just mount the QR2 adapter. However, it turns out you need to replace the bolts that hold the plastic ring on the wheel with the Torx screws that come with the QR2 adapter. You can use the blue tool provided with the adapter to do this.
After replacing these screws, all my problems disappeared. I’ve been running the setup for several days now, including sessions over 2 hours long, without a single issue. The wheel is always detected and stays connected.
Hope this helps.
Backdate your driver to 454. It should get you back up and running assuming it’s the same issue I had.
Anyone suffering the update loop needs try backdating your firmware to 454. I don’t recall if it was 455 which can affect some bases but it’s definitely 455 or 456 that does it. If it doesn’t work initially try to backdate your base without your wheel rim connected and it should come back to life.
I have two problems with my ClubSport Steering Wheel Formula V2.5 X:
1) ClubSport Steering Wheel Formula V2.5 X buttons, lights not working - only movements right/left and force feedback respond to the command in the control panel.
2) XBOX mode not working - Only red and yellow lights working in the wheel base and XBOX doesn't recognize the wheel.
Products I have:
Base: ClubSport DD
Wheel: ClubSport Steering Wheel Formula V2.5 X - Serial IA522009420
QR2 Wheel Side
Pedals: CSL Elite Pedals V2
I received all products and set up everything according to the manual. The QR code in the manual took me to the Fanatec page to install the 455 driver's version, which I installed and updated the firmwares. The first time I plugged the base to the wall plug, it started the ClubSport Steering Wheel Formula V2.5 X calibrating the wheel and showing the Fanatec LED logo in the middle of the wheel. After that, I tried to connect the USB to my XBOX Series X and nothing happened. I pushed the power button to change the light color, but it never showed green. It was only changing from red to yellow.
I returned the USB cable to the PC and tried to run Project Cars in my PC which I had installed. Then, I realized that the ClubSport Steering Wheel Formula V2.5 X was not working properly. The wheel would just turn right and left, but none of the buttons, nor the lights, were working - the LED logo never worked again even after reboot. I went back to the Fanatec control panel and opened the wheel settings. There it could recognize the movements right to left (showing in the top of the screen) and when I pushed "force feedback" the wheel responded successfully. However, when I clicked "LED Lights" or "OLED lights" nothing happened.
Then, reading some forum posts, I tried reinstall the wheel's driver. However, the updater would go all the way through but when showing "Activating new firmware, please wait..." it would stay there for a while and then a message: "FirmwareFlash Failed"" followed by the message "Please reboot Wheel Base and retry update". I have rebooted several times in different ways (remove from the wall and reconnect, push the power button for many seconds, remove and reconnect the USB cable, etc) but the same error was still showing. I tried manual installation as well, but didn't work.
Reading the forums again, I tried to install other driver's versions. I tried 451, 452, 454, 456 and 457. In all these versions the same error persisted. In every single version the driver successfully installed in the wheel base, but not in the wheel (except the 451 which didn't work for all devices). I tried reboot, manual installation, same as I did for the first time but nothing that I tried worked.
So, the last driver I installed was the 457 version (before that I had the 456 installed). When I try to manually install the wheel's driver it says it is already up to date. However, when I return to the firmware page it shows the version is installed and if i try to manual install the wheel's driver it says the V47 version is available.
So, I am stuck because the wheel doesn't work at all and I read to many forums and couldn't find a solution to this case. I do appreciate if someone can help with this situation.
Thank you
Best regards
You should contact the support as you already did all the steps which could work, but none worked, so it seems its just broken.