Problem: GT DD Pro schaltet in neutral // GT DD Pro shifts to neutral

Guten Tag,

ich habe seit einigen Wochen das Problem das während des spielen in GT7 (Playstation5) der Gang einfach sporadisch auf neutral springt und zurück. Ich vermute ein Problem/Wackelkontakt in der QR1 lite verbindung mit der Wheelbase. Ich hatte einmalig die Base-side QR1 Halterung gelöst, neu gesteckt und wieder verschraubt, danach war das Problem kurzzeitig weg. Je nachdem wie stark man bei aufstecken des Lenkrades auf die Wheelbase die QR1-Lite Schelle Wheel-side anzieht ist das Problem mehr oder weniger stark/häufig auf (teils tritt es pro Runde 1 mal, teils tritt es im sekundentakt auf).

Kennt jemand dieses Problem?

Hilft hierbei die Umstellung auf QR2 Wheel und Base-Side? Ich will ungern unnötig 160€ ausgeben.


I've been experiencing an issue for a few weeks now while playing GT7 (PlayStation 5) where the gear randomly shifts to neutral and back again. I suspect there might be a problem or a loose connection in the QR1 Lite connection with the wheelbase. I once loosened the base-side QR1 mount, reconnected it, and tightened it again, and the problem temporarily disappeared. Depending on how tightly the QR1 Lite clamp on the wheel-side is attached to the wheelbase when mounting the wheel, the problem occurs more or less frequently (sometimes once per lap, sometimes every few seconds).

Has anyone encountered this issue?

Would switching to the QR2 wheel and base-side help with this? I’d prefer not to spend €160 unnecessarily.


  • Allan LehtlaAllan Lehtla Member
    edited August 29

    neutral and back again to where ?

    i really doubt that this issue comes from qr

  • doesnt matter which gear, it just switches to neutral an back, sometimes a few times sometimes only once.

    i just think it must be related to the QR connection between wheel and base.

  • Neil ReubenNeil Reuben Member
    edited August 29

    Check the screws around the pins inside the wheel side QR. But QR1 Lite is the most flexible, least reliable so its the likely suspect.

    Base side QR is not the issue if the base side collar is tightened correctly and you are not pulling on the wheel out away from base. SIngle screw collar has been an issue for some and there are 3rd party 2 screw collars so might be worth a try

    Finding a QR1 metal wheel side used would be cheapest upgrade for the wheel. But Sold out on Fanatec site for new.

    QR2 is the future and works well, a more solid connection and easier to use over QR1 metal for both base and wheel

  • steering wheels have own microchip, all the buttons inputs go to there, and from that microchip the data are send to the base.

    i realy doubt its the qr self ,because lets say if shifter data trolls with you. then all the buttons data should todo same thing

    what can be is that there are somesort firmware issue

    and no you are not first one who reported similar issue

  • I'm guessing you've already tried this.

  • what you could try is use older firmware like 451

  • edited September 2

    I was using QR1 lite, Didn't have the same gearshift issue, but just as some more information that may or may not help... I was experiencing random disconntions with my DD Pro where no buttons worked, and loss of gear change ability.. it would happen every time I played.. I tried everything... New firmware, old firmware.. new USB cables, front and rear ports... powered USB hub, grounding my rig, nothing worked.

    Since changing to QR2 (lite).. I have not had a single problem.. about 3 weeks now and it's been rock solid, not one connection issue.. It feels way better.

    I am on PS5 by the way.

  • i have tried all the above mentioned, reseating the QR1, firmware update and so on. I now have purchased a used QR2 base and wheelside, should be delivered this week. Hopefully that solves all the issues.....

  • If switching to QR2 solves the problem, it is QR disconnects. The fact is that with the transition to QR2, a metal ring must be replaced with a plastic one, including screws. Now it appears that the new QR2-compatible plastic ring is not entirely compatible with the old QR1. Quite a few people seem to have disconnection problems with new steering wheels when they fit the older model QR, and that plastic ring, including its screws, is really the only difference from the old hardware.

  • new hardware all comes with this plastic thing,

    now he told that he once loosened the base-side QR1 mount

    question is you loose when? at gameplay when base was powered on ? there are small change that this usb port pins may get damaged when this happens in gameplay.

  • For the DD Pro, you don’t need to change the ring.. it already has the plastic ring on it.. there is no metal ring to replace. Other wheels require the change. Cheers.

  • That could be the problem. Perhaps the plastic ring does not have the correct dimensions to work well with the old QR1, but only with the QR2.

  • no. i to have qr1 little, qr1 metal, qr2 metal. i not remember issue like this in my setups

  • Do you know that you can't make a statistic just on your single experience?

  • well, those product are made as mass production. they are all same

  • Habe heute den QR2 Wheelside am Lenkrad getauscht, dabei fiel mir auf das einer der PINs kürzer ist als die anderen. Der PIN ist weder verbogen noch lässt er sich bewegen bzw. wackelt nicht und ist fest. Könnte eventuell jemand bestätigen ob das normal ist beim GT DD Pro Lenkrad?


    Today I replaced the QR2 Wheelside on the steering wheel and noticed that one of the PINs is shorter than the others. The PIN is neither bent nor moved, does not wobble and is solid. Could someone confirm if this is normal with the GT DD Pro steering wheel?

    Thx in Advance


    QR2 Baseside wird erst am Samstag geliefert, dann kann ich testen ob die Probleme damit erledigt sind.

    QR2 Baseside wont be delivered until Saturday, then I can test whether the problems are solved.

  • that shorter pin is for reason at there. but i have odd feeling that something like this missing from shaft usb connection

    no need worry about that pin

  • Habe heute den gebrauchten QR2 für Wheel und Base erhalten und heute morgen getauscht. Nach 3 Stunden Spielzeit ist das Problem nun nicht mehr aufgetreten!!!


    I received the second hand QR2 for the wheel and base today and swapped them this morning. After 3 hours of playing, the problem has disappeared!!!

  • Allan LehtlaAllan Lehtla Member
    edited September 7

    "I once loosened the base-side QR1 mount", it could be that something happened with usb shaft contacts when this happened for you, there is a small change that it may damage those

    good that it started work

  • That's great news Felix..

    I am a few weeks on now from changing to QR2 from QR1 Lite, and have not had any issues since.

    There's definitely an issue with the Qr1lite..

  • qr 1 lite self is fully plastic, they to may start give up if push or pull too hardly, also shaft is metal what may start little wear the plastic off over the time

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