clubsport universal hub v2 for xbox not more in stock

Hey i have a question i was looking to pick up the clubsport universal hub v2 for xbox but it wasn't in stock anymore. When will it be back ? or is it a situation that it wil take 6 months ?

Big thnx


  • Or in End Of Livecycle? Maybe they are dropping "support" for xbox. What I have read, the support has been very bad, just promising to fix something for future, no tiemeline at all, so maybe they have lost interest for that?

    I hope that there will be version 2.5 or something or in stock the old one, but who knows, just look bad when reading this forum.

  • Same topic discussed here with other hypothesis:

  • Matthew YorkMatthew York Member
    edited November 21

    It is available in US, so just out of stock in your hood. I thought the DD1 was a dead product. It was out of stock and thought the DD2 was a replacement. Both were out of for several months months. The DD1 is now back in stock.

  • Allan LehtlaAllan Lehtla Member
    edited November 22

    fanatec not make products self. those comes from factory's. factory company does not work usually as free, so they need find money first for start produce those

    another is shipment, when they finish it may take month for arrive

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