Load Cell V3 broken - What am I need to do to get a response from Fanatec Service???

Hello everyone,
I know that there are already several discussions about the broken load cell of the V3 pedals, but I'll start a new one anyway, as I already contacted Fanatec Service two weeks ago.
Two and a half weeks ago, the load cell of my V3 pedals broke after exactly two years and one month. Perfect timing. I then tried to find a replacement load cell somewhere in the internet, as the warranty has already expired. But unfortunately to no avail. I then called Fanatec support two weeks ago and found out that they are only available on weekdays from 2pm to 4pm. I then called at that time and was told that the telephone customer service had been discontinued and that I should create a ticket. Thank you very much for this, you could have mentioned it outside these times, too. I then created a ticket and received confirmation that they would get back to me as soon as possible. As mentioned, two weeks have now passed and exactly nothing has happened. No contact at all.
My rig has been out of commission for two and a half weeks and I have no idea how to get a replacement load cell. I could understand if I had a complex problem that took time to solve, but I just need a new load cell and I'm happy to pay for it. This is a problem that Fanatec could solve within 5 minutes and make an generally satisfied customer happy. But nothing happens! And that frustrates me more and more every day.
This is obviously a very common problem. If this customer support is so overloaded, then simply add this component, which should certainly not cost more than €20 due to its quality and design, to the store as an orderable spare part. Then all these tickets would no longer be opened.
I have to be honest, I switched completely to Fanatec two years ago and have invested several thousand euros in wheelbases, steering wheels but unfortunately only one set of pedals.
The fact that a customer with such an easily and quickly solvable problem is simply left standing without any feedback makes you doubt whether the decision to go with Fanatec was the right one.
Honestly, I'm a big fan of the hardware and enjoy riding it, but I'm running out of patience with this tiny problem!!!
Does anyone know what can be done to make Fanatec willing to sell a replacement part to a customer?
I would be grateful for any tips or help.
Hallo zusammen,
ich habe das gleiche Problem, Load Cell von V3 Pedale ist auch gebrochen worden und ich habe schon Fanatec über Support Funktion unter dem Menü Meine Produkte kontaktiert, aber auch ohne Erfolg. Das war vor eine Woche und keiner meldet sich zurück und Telefonnummer funktioniert überhaupt nicht mehr.
@Andreas hast du vielleicht dein Problem mit Load Cell schon gelöscht?
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
I've been waiting over a month for a response for same issue, all I've had is 2 automated emails asking me to rate their (non existent) service!
Good evening guys,
Just to make you aware just in case you haven't checked, Fanatec did actually respond to me approx 5 days after sending my original ticket, the reason it wasn't seen is because it was in my Junk folder, so if you haven't checked, I suggest that you do. Cheers
Hello Giovanni,
I also got an automatic reply like that straight away, support was supposed to get back to me as soon as possible and so far nothing has happened.
But I found this on AliExpress: https://de.aliexpress.com/item/1005004888792553.html?spm=a2g0o.productlist.main.1.1e1740174QD0GV&algo_pvid=43a93d53-ef1e-4d1a-b0c7-fc0d4b3ad9bd&algo_exp_id=43a93d53-ef1e-4d1a-b0c7-fc0d4b3ad9bd-0&pdp_npi= 4%40dis%21EUR%2140.13%2121.99%21%21%2140.40%2122.14%21%40211b80e117371463351367791ed604%2112000030903430056%21sea%21DE%210%21ABX&curPageLogUid=efMVRcs00mxn&utparam-url=scene%3Asearch%7Cquery_from%3A
What do you think, would that work, it looks a bit different but it's not expensive?
You could try this one also. Way better design than the stock one.
Only drawback is it ships from China.
Das kenne ich, habe schon bei Aliexpress gesehen, nun ist ein bisschen teurer. Das sollte ein Upgrade sein, also besser als Original?
Hast das schon gekauft und eingebaut, Lohn sich das?
I know that, I've seen it on Aliexpress, but it's a bit more expensive. Is that supposed to be an upgrade, so better than the original?
Have you already bought it and installed it, is it worth it?
Hallo zusammen,
ich wollte nur miteilen das sich heute Fanatec bei mir gemeldet hat und ein Angebot für die Loadcell geschickt. Ich habe das angenommen und jetzt warte ich das Loadcell da ist. Also ganze hat 2. Wochen gedauert, also Support von Fanatec funktioniert.