DD PRO wheelbase is disabling specific inputs/axis of other devices when connected and turned on.
Angel Ledesma
Hi, I just got a new DD PRO 8nm wheelbase and I have encountered a problem. When turned on, it disabled the slider axis of one of my other controllers. The moment that I turn the wheelbase off, the disabled axis starts to work again. I have downloaded and installed the latest drivers as of Dec 5, driver number 464. All vJoy devices have been disabled a several restarts have been attempted.
Looks like I've discovered the problem here. The base is brand new so its my first time setting this all up. I believe that there is a small electrical short, or current, leaking out of the wheelbase in to the sim rig. There is no electrical insulation between the rig and the brake pedal load cell. I removed the wheel from the rig and proceeded to turn it on and the pedal works just fine, but the moment the wheelbase housing touches the rig, the pedal has a moment of random signals and stops working.
I'm not sure if this is a faulty wheelbase, for now I just need to insulate the wheelbase from the pedals, the problem here is that it is all assembled in the same metal structure.
could be faulty power supply what leaks AC, one user tell something similar that he had high voltage between steering wheel and the base
Update: I was able to test with another power supply unit and the problem is still present, so it seems that this is a problem within the wheelbase.
i not know how DD PRO is build but by default in CSL DD there is no way that base electric components can connect to the case self because they are totally separated , unless maybe if there is a base coil leak self
it's not my hardware image, i just google that, there are some wires what is very close to case, so i guess if there is a bad insulation somewhere then it starts leak