CSL DD keeps going throuhg update loop with wheel attached
I'm so sick of this gear..a few month ago I had to send my DD back to Fanatec for the blue light of death and now after it returned I'm unable to drive again.
Last week while driving I experienced the no shift issue which was followed by the wheel completely turning off and going through a update on its own. I sorta thoughthe new ownership was finally pushing updates throug succcesfully. Wrong. The unit went down and into a updating loop that Ive been trapped in since.
If I remove the wheel I cvan get the base to update. If I iunstall a wheel a small screen pops up asking me to a=update the wheel but after the update it seems like it just gets stuck. If I power off and start over Im in the same loop.
I had upgraded from 457 to 464 because I didnt know any better. I went back to 455 and that didnt help. I also submitted a help ticket but at the rate this company responds I dont know if Ill get a answer before spring.
Can someone help?
Have you tried this?
I had not aand just did. You've helped me so much! Thak you! I hoipe this is the end of my issues as it seems to be.