CS Pedals v3 break grainy after cleaning and shaft loose - Should this be loose?

EricEric Member
edited December 2024 in Pedals

Just got a used CS Pedals v3 and cleaned the 2 foam peices, added som vaselin on them and break become grainy after cleaning. Feels like there is air bubles when hitting around 70% pressure breaking... Could it be that the 2 foam pieces got soaked with to much vaselin....

Also noticed the shaft loose - Should this be loose? When screwing of the red break adjuster and cleaning the original 2 pcs of foam there is a metal house that the adjuster is screwed on to, that one I can fell is very loose inside, should it be like that?

In this link you can see the guy popping it out... How har should the 2 screws be? Lithium grease it? Inbedded time on both.

Best regards Eric

Also the shaft, the vlack piece is kina loose to against the metal shaft, Broken?


  • download the V3 manual from the product page - useful information

    the piece inside the brake that the adjuster screws into is loose and slides up and down. The side screws keep it in place and from rotating and can be screwed in all the. way but don’t need to be tight

    Vaseline I think was specifically recommended against in the manual if I recall, and may have affected the softer elastomer insert

    So read the docs - it has info on this

  • Another good video for reference on V3 components and BPK if you plan for the future.

    In terms of "squishy" sound when pressed hard, you probably have too much lubricant on it. It will go away eventually as lubricants spreads out. On that note, I recommend putting a cardboard piece just under loadcell to catch excess lubricants, it does splash out of loadcell chamber, you'll surprised how much it sprays out.

  • Hi and Neil thanks. I did that... I did took everything apart and discovered a couple of thing that answers my own question.. The break shaft was NOT srewed on properly...

    Took out the piece inside, cleaned it and put real break grease, not to much. Back to place and screwed it all in but not to tight.

    All moving part of metal I used the break grease. Then the 2 pcs of foam I cleaned up and put vaselin and not much reassamble everything and it now work wounders ;) No more grain and the break feel NEW!

    Thanks both Neil and Tae Yoo even though I fixed before you were answered. ;)

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