ClubSport Shifter SQ V1.5 discontinued forever?

Hello everyone,

on the order page the ClubSport Shifter SQ V1.5 is listed as "sold out". Now I noticed that the shifter is listed on the "Media / Downloads" page under discontinued products.

Does that mean that the ClubSport Shifter SQ V1.5 has been permanently discontinued and will never be available again? That would be a bad thing for me, as I only play on PS5 and really like driving with a gear lever (I only switched from Thrustmaster to Fanatec a few days ago)? Unfortunately, there is no other way to use a gear lever on PS5 other than the ClubSport Shifter SQ V1.5...

Does anyone have any more information on whether the ClubSport Shifter SQ V1.5 will soon be available for purchase again or whether it might even be replaced by a new model?

Having to do without a gear lever permanently would be a major setback for me...


  • Allan LehtlaAllan Lehtla Member
    edited December 2024

    those stuff comes from china, if they are in way it usually takes time for arrive, and currently is a holiday

    there nothing typed that they are discontinued but Sold out

  • Hi Allan, thanks for answering that quick.

    Well, as I wrote, it is listed on the Fanatec website in the "Media / Downloads" section under "Discontinued Products". So Fanatec has already marked the Shifter as a discontinued product in some way.

    That's what makes me "a little nervous"...

  • perhaps its they older version, i not really see anything about the sq v1.5 self

  • Markus TMarkus T Member
    edited December 2024

    The one in the discontinued section has a different name, it's not the sq 1.5



  • Oh, OK - then that was my mistake. As I wrote, I'm fairly new to the Fanatec world. I didn't realize that the Shifter v1.5 and the sq1.5 are different models.

    Thanks for the answers guys!

  • Allan LehtlaAllan Lehtla Member
    edited December 2024

    no worries, they show also that CSL DD is discontinued, but i guess what they actually mean is the QR1 version

  • When the ClubSport Shifter came out, there were 2 models.

    One is the current one (SQ) capable of being used as a 7 speed, and also as a SeQuential.

    The other model was a 7 speed only, which was discontinued.

  • Mitja BoncaMitja Bonca Member
    edited January 1

    I would really like to buy SQ v1.5 shifter, so please put them it prodction. I'm sure I'm not the only one who would like to buy it.

    Happy new year 😀

  • Allan LehtlaAllan Lehtla Member
    edited January 1

    i think they are in production, but the china delivery delay self is like one month

    so in other words, you may need wait till they arrive

  • Probably should check out it's common issues before that decision

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