Clubsport Formula Funkyswitch multiple inputs

Hello there,
Tried to search the Forums but didn't find a solution to my problem therefore asking in a dedicated thread.
For quite some time now, the funkyswitch on my Clubsport Formula is registering multiple inputs ingame, namely iRacing, as this is the only game I'm using at the moment, but I could also replicate this in ACC. I have my Brake balance mapped to it, but instead of raising/decreasing it in single steps, it can take like 12 at once.
Is there a solution to this problem?
In the Fanatec Control Panel it appears to only register one, sometimes two inputs from the switch, but ingame it goes insane. In case there is a thread that I overlooked with a solution please post it here, thanks in advace!
Wheelbase CSL DD 8Newton Firmware:
Wheel Base motor Firmware:
Driver Version: 464
Fanalab Version: 2.01.54
Hi there, Thank you for reaching out and providing such detailed information, it really helps us narrow things down! The issue you're describing with the FunkySwitch registering multiple inputs sounds like it could be related to a sensitivity or firmware compatibility setting. While your firmware and driver versions look up-to-date, we recommend trying a few steps to resolve this.
First, double-check your button mapping in both the game settings (iRacing and ACC) and the Fanatec Control Panel to ensure there aren’t overlapping or conflicting inputs. Additionally, try recalibrating the FunkySwitch in the Control Panel to ensure it's functioning optimally. If you’re still experiencing issues, performing a clean reinstall of the Fanatec drivers and Fanalab software might help resolve any potential glitches.
If none of these steps work, please let us know so we can explore further troubleshooting options together. Also, feel free to link this thread in case others are experiencing a similar issue—our community is always eager to help! Best, your Fanatec team.
Hello abd thank you for your quick reply.
what do you mean with overlaping ? Can i map buttons in fanatec control panel ? And how can i recalibrate that button ?
here is a picture of my options :
if you talk about this then
that feature by default depends off game developers and how they see how it should work
i reality its actually Analog button same like joysticks have
Fanatec graphic show how it also possible use different way. but it still depends off game developers
Ok thanks but the issue thaty im refering is when i rotate right to increase and left to decrease. They are detected as simple buttons but they are detected as multiple inputs.
Easy, I had the same problem. Downgrade to driver 455, and it will be resolved. Follow Fanatec's guide carefully for this process
I have a similar problem in PBME. In my case I need to turn it several times to be able to get a pulse. The error is also shown in the control panel. And I have already downgraded to v455 and it is still the same in DD+. In theory they are aware of these problems and are working on it in the future blah blah blah....
This is indeed a known Firmware issue of the CS DD Base which will be fixed at some point in the future.
Yes yes. I'm aware of that. Thanks Maurice!!
Hello and thank you first of all, did that 455 worked for ou ? I did the same and 455 still have the same issue. I saw in Fanatec website that the last driver for this base CSL DD withg the QR1 was the 452, Maybe 452 do the trick ?
yes, 455 worked for me. It is strange it doesn't work for you. Did you downgrade the firmare too?
You are right ! Im still with the recent firmware. Is there a way to know which version fo the firmware should i have and where to get it ?
I mean i can open firmware manager.
But i dont know where to find the Downgraded Firmware.
I followed all the instructions but when pressing Manual firmware update it always load the latest firmware ...
I'm having the same issue, I've downgraded the driver but how do I downgrade the firmware? And what firmware do I downgrade to?
Using v2.5x on cs dd+
The firmware is built into the driver package that you have installed, you then use firmware manager, enable Manual upgrade/ downgrade at the top with a tick, and then click the device you wish to downgrade and just accept the defaults and press program button, you don't need to find a file or anything, its selected by default (You can only downgrade FW when you downgrade your Fanatec Driver package say to a earlier version).
Look at the Fanatec driver package v464 Changelog.txt for all the Versions of Drivers, FW revisions and some known faults and fixed issues.
Ok thanks, I've done all of that and it didn't fix my issue. RIP