Fanatec ClubSport F1 Esports V2 Two FlagLEDs not working

Hi All

I just realized the Two FlagLEDs do not work on my F1 Esports V2, I tried it on GT7 or 2024 F1.

The top left of the FlagLEDs lights up whenever I turn the power. It never happened before.

I don't have any PC racing games but when I plug it into my laptop and change the wheelbase to PC mode the blue light still stays on.

I did an LED test on the Fanatec control panel and all the lights seem to work properly.

I tried to roll back the wheel's firmware but I couldn't find any info.

Had anyone experienced this before? Anyone suggestion?


  • I don't know how it behaves for this wheel (if the LEDs have a shared function of are solely Flag LEDs).

    I have the DD Extreme which has entirely separate Flag LEDs. GT7 does not support those LEDs at the moment. I don't know about F1.

  • to you happen update anything before that?

  • Thanks for the responses,

    Markus, I don't remember if it works on GT7 because I hardly look at the steering wheel but I am pretty sure the blue light does not light up when I turn it on.

    Allan, I did update the driver to 464 but the blue light wasn't there after the update.I downgraded the driver to 455 and reverted the firmware on the wheel and the wheel base but it didn't work. I noticed the steering wheel firmware was 5 on 455 driver its the same as the 464 driver.

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