ClubSport Pedals V3 different strength of vibration motors?

Hello everyone, I have only had the V3 since yesterday. Is it normal that the vibration motor of the brake pedal is approx. 30% weaker than that of the accelerator pedal? I drive in ACC.

Best regards



  • Marky FanatecMarky Fanatec Member, Administrator

    Hi Patrick! Thanks for asking, in Fanalab you can adjust the setting to turn on for when you hit ABS for the brake and for hitting rev limiter on the gas, but depends on the game, we think you can do it in ACC or iRacing. Let us know if it works! Best, your Fanatec team.

  • Hi Marky, Thanks for the quick reply! I forgot to mention that I drive ACC on the Playstation 5. Will the settings for the pedal vibration (ABS, suspension, etc.) that I set in Fanalab still be adopted/applied or do they only come from the game on PS5?

  • Both Pedals use the same motor as best as I can tell. If you try the vibe test in the Fanatec control panel do they feel the same?

    On PS5 fanalab has no effect. Game has to send the signals to activate the motor

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