Take an early look at Fanatec’s all-new software for PC!

Fanatec TeamFanatec Team Administrator
edited March 18 in Blog

Since its reveal at the Sim Expo last year, we’ve been hard at work refining the all-new Fanatec application, and it’s time for you to try it out.

This combines the Fanatec Driver / Control Panel and FanaLab software into one package. After extensive internal testing, we're excited to release the public beta, giving you early access to the next evolution of Fanatec software. A mobile version is also in development and will come later this year.

Note that some functionalities and capabilities are still in development and there may be a few quirks and bugs – your feedback is incredibly valuable in helping us fine-tune the experience. We have created a form specifically for this: click here

If you wish to provide further feedback and participate in a discussion about the new app, please head to the official forum thread where the download is available.

Key Features:

  • Windows driver installation (required for using Fanatec hardware on PC)
  • Check hardware connectivity and functionality
  • Calibrate wheel center, pedal dead zones, shifter inputs, and more
  • Update firmware for connected Fanatec devices
  • Integrated software updates – no need to manually browse, download, and install updates anymore
  • Adjust Tuning Menu settings
  • Adjust ITM, vibration, and dynamic FFB settings achieved via telemetry signals
  • Detects the current game and car to load specific profiles automatically
  • Included LED profiles automatically loaded for many cars – no need to import and bind profiles manually anymore to have LEDs matching the in-game car
  • Possibility to import FanaLab profiles
  • Game shortcut launcher
  • Integrated App Tour explaining all functions
  • Multi-Language Interface

More features will be rolled out as we continue development. We can’t wait to hear your thoughts. Download the beta, take it for a spin, and help shape the future of Fanatec software!


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