CSR Elite Wheel Community Tests

Aside from the beta tests we have also selected the testers for the community tests for the Forza Motorsport CSR Elite wheel.
This time, we did not pick those testers but let the community decide to choose members who should review the CSR ELite wheel for them.
The following communities were involved.
1. Forzamotorsport.net
Organized by: Savoury69
Winners of the poll:
- VVV Worm
- Porsche 9146
- Soadieman
2. GTplanet.net
Organized by: Sandboxgod
Winners of the poll:
- Sonac
- Sandboxgod
- CrispyChicken49
3. Insidesimracing.tv
Organized by: Darin Gangi
Winners of the poll:
- Flunky
- rbracer
4. iRacing.com
Organized by Darin Gangi
http://members.iracing.com/jforum/posts/list/1822040.page (members only)
Winners of the poll:
- Michael Main
- John Molony
- Peter Taggeselle
Congratulations to all the winners and a big thanks to verybody involved to make this happen.
We had a small delay on the shipment of the samples but all testers will receive their wheels next week. After the last tester has received his wheel, I will determine the end of the review embargo so all community and betatesters can post their impressions.
It looks to be a great way to do the tests as this is more objective than anything else. A review made by an unbiased community member which has deep knowledge of simracing and is well respected in the community.