Driving a M5 in real vs. FM4

Here is a nice video made for a German TV channel to compare a ride on the Nürburgring GP track.

Tim Schrick was driving a BMW M5 in reality and the same car in the simulation.

To get an adequate counterpart for this great car, he was playing Forza Motorsport 4 on our RennSPort Cockpit underfloor cockpit.

As the video is in German you might want to know his feedback. The real car has more traction than featured in the game and in general it is much easier to drive the real car than the virtual car. The speed, shifting points and times were pretty close but the missing g-forces make a big difference.

This is actually exactly my feeling as well when I had the chance to make a very similar test with an Audi some time ago. Some gamers mix up realism with difficulty. Just because a game is easy to play it does not mean it is unrealistic. A test like this proofs that driving a car in real can be less challenging to a certain degree. Of course we should not forget that in real live there is no rewind button and much more physical stress for the body so there will alsways be some difference between the worlds. But it is getting closer...

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