WARNING: Latest Xbox 360 update could cause problems UPDATE

Several customers have reported issues with our wheels after they made the latest  update to their console.

There is also a thread about these issues on forzamotorsport.net

We are still investigating the issues so please report if you have suddenly problems on the Xbox console.

Unfortunately this happened at the same time we released the new firmware so it was hard to see what caused the issues.

Please do not make this update for your Xbox console until the situation is fully clear and we have a slution.

In case you have problems after the latest Xbox update, it would be great if you report them here.

What country?

What wheel?

What firmware version?

Detailed description of the issue



We do not have an official confirmation yet but it seems that the latest Xbox update fixes the issues and the wheels work fine again.

Thanks to Microsoft for the quick reaction on this matter.

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