CSS feature preview #5

This feature of the ClubSport shifter is probably the most anticipated one. We have implemented a proper sequential mode.
It is not a cheap compromise which was requested by the marketing department to fill up the feature list but an authentic sequential mode with strong haptic feedback and the correct movements. The technical effort to do this was huge and it is one of the reasons for the long development time.
It is also not very useful to have such a mode and force the user to use tools and disassemble half of the shifter so we made it easy and added a switch on both sides so you can quickly change between the modes.
I know that you still miss price and an availability date but come on. If a new car appears, the first thing you see are prototype pictures "leak" accidentially. Then the car is shown on official pictures or a car show and what is the very last thing they tell you?
The next teaser will be a video with some shifting action.