REally regret ordering NOW!

Hey everyone,

I'm really regretting placing an order now, I purchased the Mclaren bundle on 10/16 but after reading all the bad press ,reviews and discussions here im feeling that I made a mistake, I really don't want to wait forever to get my in Germany, you would figure this would be an easy order to get shipped out..but my order says completely shipped and its been that way since monday yet there is no tracking provided and yes I am on a PC checking

it seems they lock you in with no way to cancel


  • "Completely shipped" is issued the moment they pass it on to their logistics provider - that does not state anything. At the moment most people here state, that it takes 5-6 working days to receive the tracking number and a lot started to receive it in 2-2.5 weeks at the moment (depending on country).

    I am from Germany as well ordered yesterday and went through the same thoughts, but reading here and having had a good chat with a content creator about it - I am now confident that I will have to wait some time, but receive it in a manageable timeframe.

  • any idea , how long it is taking once the tracking number has been received for it to be actually picked up by UPS?

    for us in Germany?

  • I can tell you, that it, for me, says "Completely shipped" since something beginning of September.

    But I guess I'm just specifially fu**ed. Apparently that is due to the warehouse partner change, that caused that error.

    I am waiting for 2 months now, and I have no clue if I'll ever receive it. I guess though that is not happening to everyone.

  • I gave up after 20 days and have raised a claim with my bank. I would not purchase anything from Fanatec even if they offered to deliver it by hand the very next day. Worst company by a country mile, that I have ever had the misfortune to purchase from.

  • I'm in the same boat.

    Though I still assume you, and me, will receive the orders at some point, I'm actually considering cancellation.

    I'm so fed up with these practices.

    Someone, or multiple parties, at Fanatec and GROUP7 (logistics) f*ed up.

    F'ups can always happen, no issue with that.

    But when customers are taken seriously, at the very least status updates are regularly sent out.

    Allocating resources to that ain't cheap, but it shows the commitment to actually solve the issues or ease some of the frustration.

    Neither company seems to be willing to do that.

    "Customer already paid, so why the hustle?"

  • JESUS...when did you all place your orders??

  • For me in the Netherlands it took only a few days to get my tracking number of my most recent order. Ordered monday, tuesday it was completly shipped, thursday received tracking number and then first delivery attempt was friday of the same week. So I would expect for Germany it will not be to different.

    Most orders that are f-ed are ordered from outside the EU, like UK, Switserland etc. Where they forgot to add the right papers, causing lots of issues and return to sender issues.

  • That's the first post on here today that lightens up my mood!

  • Je commande un volant fin août le 30 pour être précis, je n’ai reçu début septembre que le moyeu QR 1 mon volant est retourné chez Fanatec le 20 septembre. J’ai envoyé quelques mails , pour savoir comment ça se passe, mais j’ai fini par abandonner car à part la réponse automatique il n’y a jamais rien, je passerai par les produits d’occasion concernant Fanatec, voir peut-être même changer tout le setup , il y’a tellement de fabricants et généralement 2 volant suffisent, un type f1 / gt3 et un autre rond pour le rallye / le drift ou voiture normale, il sont obligés à cause de la concurrence de faire des accessoires et base plus abordables du coup ils ont tellement de commandes qu’ils sont perdus, le service client est tellement lent qu’ils donnent l’impression d’ignorer les clients,j’ai payé par carte bancaire et j’avais 30 jours pour faire opposition , du coup c’est mort . même en chine le dialogue est plus efficace et rapide les litige ce règle facilement, depuis mercredi date du dernier mail au service clients , pas de réponse, sauf le message automatique, je suis très déçu et 200€ dans le vent.

  • I ordered Oct 11th and the tracker is now saying it's out for delivery. Had to come from Los Angeles and I'm in Vancouver. What seemed to take the longest was customs. I guess they scanned it and saw this big block of metal, magnets, and electronics and found it suspicious. Not sure if there was an issue with the paperwork, but it's now cleared. I'm hoping I'm not getting a box full of parts as customs disassembled it and just threw it back in the box.

    When I initially got my tracking number it was also sitting on "Label created, waiting for courier" for about 3 days. Tracker updated like crazy till it hit customs, but once cleared it updated again every 45-60 minutes. Hopefully I get it today but it's unfortunate to hear so many people have issues with shipping/logistics. Maybe Fanatec should start allowing other vendors to peddle their product. Sell it in stores so people can just head to the store and pick up some of the ready2race bundles, for the specialty parts (new pedal sensors, wheel hubs, etc) have them order from the website. Would probably ease the logistical load and they would be able to push stuff out quicker and more efficiently.

    Good luck everyone! Feel bad you guys are having so many issues.

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