Update to Customer Care Situation & Challenges | Cases older than 14 Days

James .James . Member, Administrator

Dear Community,

We’re opening this channel for those of you who have waited for an update from our Customer Care Team concerning your orders or related issues. We’d like to use this post to

  • provide you with transparency on these matters,
  • give you a space to pool your questions and concerns, and
  • give us the chance to actively identify if there are additional items that may need our immediate attention. 

We want you to know that we care about you and have ourselves been frustrated with the situation – there is no doubt things have to improve for all customers as quickly as possible. To give you some context on where we’re coming from: The overall number of current requests in the Customer Care queue is at about 8.000,and the oldest cases in the queue are from over three weeks ago.

Being this far behind the curve is not acceptable. This is why we decided to share more insights about the current state of backlog concerning open cases and challenges via our forum, so we can better manage a dialogue between you and Fanatec until the situation improves.


For this reason, we wanted to begin with an overview of our biggest current challenges:


The Warehouse Transition: The move to a new warehouse came hand-in-hand with many challenges, including the shipment of wrong products (Quick Releases), orders not moving, incorrect export documentation, understaffing at the warehouse. While significant improvements have been made (for example, turnaround time for shipments within the EU reduced to ca. one day), we recognize that a great deal remains to be done. In particular, the processing of export documents to countries like the UK is still too slow – we’re actively working on speeding things up here.

Customs Issues with UK / Third Country Orders: Beyond the speed of processing in our warehouse, orders leaving the EU were recently impacted by a separate customs issue. A bureaucratic dispute initiated by customs officials led to a hold up of several hundred orders since last week. Thanks to the tremendous effort by our team, this matter was formally resolved. Some processes need to be adjusted on both our part as well as on the customs authority side, but once these changes are successfully implemented, affected orders will begin moving again. This should happen at the latest next week.

Unexpected Returns to Our Warehouse: Over 700 products were returned to our warehouse without a formal reason (for example, a mint return). Each case must be documented, so we can clarify if affected customers would like their products to be reshipped or refunded. If you have already provided us with feedback via a Fanatec contact form, you do not need to reach out to us again. Please note, complaints made via social media posts may not be seen/processed. Always use our website forms so our team has all relevant data to help you resolve your case.

Mint Returns: Given our backlog, we have struggled to keep up with requests for mint returns. We have dedicated a team to focus on these cases so we can move through them as quickly as possible and refund your payment. Your request will be honoured based on your initial inquiry date, and not when we respond.


If you believe you may be affected by any of these issues, please know we are working through all cases, order by order.

While we might not be able to answer every specific question in this thread, we’ll try to give you frequent updates while you wait for Customer Care to process your case.

And again: If you do not see your issue addressed here, please share it with us! Community input will help us identify potential other issues faster – thank you for working with us to make things better.

And finally, thank you utmost for your patience and for sticking with us.


Team Fanatec



  • Simon MaltbySimon Maltby Member
    edited October 2023

    Order 1735923 ordered 29 August - delivered 6th Oct with no QRS Emailed on the 6th No reply

    Orders 1762688, 1762689, 1762685, 1762686,1762687 All for QR2 Pro - orders created 10th Oct but nothing since. Not been shipped even though some are express.

    Order 1746394 ordered 16th Sept. Was one of the orders back to you on the 12th October - No info since - not been recreated / shipped

    If you want a suggestion. You must separate technical support from sales / order emails. You have to respond to technical support quickly and it's odd that you don't seem to separate them. Someone with a technical issue needs fast support.

    It does not help that every time I have had an email reply from you it always asks a question or needs a reply - this just creating another email and making everything worse. You have to try and solve things first email rather than inviting another email... or at least see a support case through by replying to any reply straight away. It's madness that it just goes back into the queue.

  • Order Number 1758093 After spending weeks attempting to contact you in relation to this order, where you had fraudulently marked it as 'completely shipped' thus meaning I could not automatically cancel the order (convenient?) I wrote 2 weeks ago cancelling the order and requested a refund, I had no response to either. UPS have today contacted me for import duty, I have informed them that I had cancelled the order and didn't want it, so requested it sent back to you. It will be interesting to see how long it takes you to refund my money.

    All businesses have problems but what sets companies apart, is how they deal with them and you have dealt with this situation horrendously. You have continued to trade at the same levels, taking customers money in the knowledge that you would not be able to ship them in a timely fashion. I always thought that Fanatec was the pinnacle of sim equipment but alas this has proven incorrect.

  • I hope you guys get on top of this, I may have picked a bad time to buy as the issues are only just starting to get resolved, I'm so glad you guys have mentioned UK orders as my order 1773116 was declared completely shipped of course I took into account the email provided that it means that it's ready to ship and the 5 day delay, but today is 5 days since it was processed and it's slightly concerning, I hope you guys can figure it out as a company as I have always dreamt of owning your products which I now have a chance to, hoping I can have it shipped some time next week to finally have some peace

    I know a lot of people have had a lot negative to say but I have full faith in you fanatec

  • edited October 2023

    Order 1740326

    Paid 08/09/2023

    Returned to your warehouse due to missing export docs on 02/10/2023

    Today on 27/10/2023 still no products and no refund either.

    So yes i think i could do with immediate attention please.

  • Hello,

    Order 1734748 from 29th August, Switzerland, returned to the warehouse 2nd October.

    Fanatec created a new order 1771807 on 20th October . Still no tracking nr nor received the goods.

    Thanks for taking care of the older orders first, that's just common sense.

  • hello,

    my order 1734632 from 29th August in the netherlands, returned to the warehouse on 18th september.

    At the moment i have still not heard or received anything about a new order.

  • Order : 1739137

    Ordered September 6th, returned to sender September 26th and 27th.

    I emailed 3 weeks ago and received an email today saying that they are unable to confirm the status of my order with the warehouse. I’m not really sure how you “can’t” confirm the status of my order if it’s literally been sitting at your warehouse for 1 month.

  • Hi

    I think my issue may not have been addressed:

    In my case, I received an email yesterday saying my order was held up at customs and would begin moving again on Monday, but I believe that's not possible as there is only evidence to suggest that it still hasn't left your warehouse.

    Could somebody please solidly confirm if it has or has not left Fanatec yet?


    A brief history:

    Original Order Date: 30th August

    Original Order Number: 1735126 (Has a tracking number)

    Sent Out: 20th September

    Returned to Sender: 2nd October

    Advised order would be immediately reshipped via express saver: 4th October

    New Order Number: 1771838 (created 20th October - no tracking number, UPS know nothing about it)

  • edited October 2023

    Order number: 1756270

    (Portugal - Madeira island - belongs to EU)

    Paid on 02/10/23;

    Shipped on 09/10/23

    QR returned to fanatec on 10/10/23

    Csl dd + pedals + load cell returned on 12/10/23

    Received BMW wheel on 12/10/23.

    Basically the ones returned (apart from qr) was due to a incorrect UPS service. But, I still received the wheel. 13/10/23 i sent an email confirming the reshippment.

    23/10/23 received an email from fanatec (same as everyone) saying that my situation was critical and would receive an appropriate attention.

    27/10/23 still no news.


    I have 1 order made on the 26th September, order number 1751814 which was stuck on label created since 6th October.

    As this order did not seem to be moving, I sent an email to Fanatec asking to cancel order number 1751814 and placed a new order for the same equipment on the 20th October which is order number 1771689 in the hope this would arrive sooner.

    The first order 1751814 has today been shipped and is on it's way to me to be delivered by Tuesday 31st October this is great and I am very happy to be receiving my order however I would like to cancel my new order 1771689 so that I haven't paid twice for two orders containing the same equipment. As the status of order 1771689 has changed to completely shipped I am unable to cancel the order myself.

  • Hi,

    Case: 294230 

    I think your support has to be much much faster at all. As well just two hours to call you for technical reasons and only within working hours is not acceptable at all. How to call you and check something on phone when it's within my working hours? There won't be no time to try some of the suggestions on phone.

    I'm highly dissatisfied with your support and with your software/driver.

    The software will give you headaches almost every time you want to play if you're not using it daily. And the support is super unresponsive. I really don't care if it's some tough time right now. You take lots and lots of money from us of your customers and you really don't seem to care. It's not the first time for me waiting for your support to reply and I don't want to wait for this anymore.

    When I pay 400€ for your cheapest ready2race package I expect more of it. Especially a better support. I'm very close to just sending you back this stuff and looking for some competitor of yours to use some other gear which might work better and maybe has some better support.

    I only wish to take my wheel and just go on for some racing at some time. And I'm not using it daily. Sometimes I won't use it for weeks. And if I want to drive after a few weeks I expect this stuff to work and it doesn't. As I said, second time this is happening...

  • James .James . Member, Administrator

    Thank you. We welcome your feedback, which we pass on and raise questions where necessary. 

    Your Fanatec Team

  • Bestellung 1764355

    Bestelldatum 11. Oktober

    Es kann doch nicht sein das ich bis jetzt keinerlei Ahnung von meiner Bestellung habe. Ich warte schon seit mehreren Wochen auf eine Nachricht. Ich lese von Tag zu Tag, das es Leute hier gibt, die nach mir eine Bestellung gemacht haben und es danach nach 5 tagen bereits erhalten hatten. Nun haben wir den 27. Oktober da erwarte ich langsam auf eine Antwort von euch oder dass ihr mir wenigstens die Tracking-Nummer per Mail zusendet. Das ist eine Arbeit von weniger als 10 Minuten.

    Langsam geht die Geduld denn Bach herunter... Weder der Kundenservice funktioniert noch die E-Mails werden nicht beantwortet. Zutiefst bin ich mit dieser Leistung enttäuscht. Auf Social Media könnt ihr euch für jeden einzelnen Kommentar Zeit nehmen aber den Kunden, die mehrere von 100 ausgeben werden, gar nicht beachtet. Das MUSS sich schleunigst ändern, denn von Zeit zu Zeit wird euer Ruf immer schlechter und schlechter dar stehen. 

  • Hi, thanks for the update

    Order number: 1754097

    I ordered a Ready2Race bundle from Spain, recieved it but the McLaren V2 Wheel wasnt sent, i talkes with UPS and they confirmed that Fanatec only sent 4 items (Base, pedals, qr1 lite and table clamp). I have been waiting nearly one month so please help me...

  • Order 1764113 (UK order) went to completely shipped yesterday, so when can I expect to receive it given the continuing delays to non-EU countries?

  • Order 1742264 to the UK was placed on the 12th September.

    I was aware of the issues so remained patient. Its a replacement item for an RMA I sent back.

    Finally on the 6th October I receive a tracking number and have had no update since.

    UPS have yet to recieve the package.

    On the 18th October I finally lose my patience and email support but have hit a dead end there as well.


    Placed my order1745906 to the UK on the 19th of SEPTEMBER.

    Returned to sender on the 27th of September and has not yet been re sent. I’m over 5 weeks with no products and am close to charging back with my bank.

    All I want is my order to please be resent.

  • Order 1749390 says shipment ready for UPS since early October ( ordered 2 weeks before that ). No updates since. Please tell UPS to come and pick it up.

  • So what's the excuse for the poor delivery times for Australian customers who order through the Australian web shop and the items are shipped within Australia? I had to wait almost 4 weeks for my order to arrive and there were others in the same boat.

  • Rens KaesRens Kaes Member
    edited October 2023

    Not sure if it will help anything, but giving it try wouldn't hurt anyone :) My order 1768087, never received a tracking number. Via the UPS tracker trick, I found my package and it was saying "Address Information Required". UPS couldn't do anything without the tracking number which I didn't not receive from Fanatec. Asked Fanatec, but did not get a response. I only reached out to Fanatec about a week ago. Since Wednesday, my package at UPS is saying "Returning to Sender". Please just resend the package with all the export documents thanks :)

  • My order 1759555 has not been shipped until today. I have not received any response to my inquiries. In the store my order is on Completely shipped, I have not received a tracking number yet. On my request to cancel I was told that I can not cancel it and they will get back to me in 2-3 days. Well, they just screwed me with the statement. I am in Austria so in EU so a shipment in the EU. I will respond to the last email and give you 3 working days time. Otherwise, this goes to my legal protection and that will clarify everything with you then

    No more desire to annoy me and any copy paste emails

  • Hi,

    An invoice was created 10/10/23 for my QR2 Pro Wheel-Side (Free with my BMW M4 GT3 Wheel) - Order No 1762498. However, when I check UPS tracking, it shows the following three updates in this order:

    • Shipment Ready for UPS - Estimated delivery: The delivery date will be provided as soon as possible
    • Delivered - Delivered On: Tuesday, October 17 at 12:42 at Other - released
    • Delivered - Delivered On: Wednesday, September 27 at 9:49 at Dock

    Can you tell me if I should still expect to get my QR2 Pro Wheel-Side or will it need to be ordered again?


  • Hello, my order is number 1740936.

    • Ordered on Sept. 9th;
    • Completely shipped on Sept. 12th;
    • 0 updates since then.
    • Sent a support ticket and all I was told was I am in the same situation as other people, as if that made the situation any better or serves as any kind of answer.

    I haven't received any tracking number or an email regarding the state of my order and that's all I'm asking for at the moment.

    Thank you for your time!

  • I had an order, 1731886. Which i Ordered on the 24th of August, It was returned to Sender on the 2nd of October. I got a refund on paypal, after no response from fanatec. So i reordered a slightly different order, Order number 1772222. I recently got a email from fanatec customer support responding to an email from September, they said they will pass my feedback on to the warehouse team, But thats my old order that i allready got refunded for. So i first of all i want to receive my new order, and i dont want to get sent both.

  • edited October 2023

    I want my money back for the order 1773473 and 1760673, the pedals stopped working after an hour of playing. Its impossible to contact support because its not existing.

  • Thank you for the update, increased communications will be a great help to those affected and unclear of what to do.

    Here are the details of my situation:

    Order Number: 1750075

    I placed my order on 25/09/23

    It was collected by UPS on 10/10/23.

    It was returned to sender on 11/10/23 due to missing clearance information.

    I contacted customer services via webform on 11/10/23, confirming I wished my order to be shipped to me (form ref FRM287956)

    I haven't received a further communication or alternative order/shipping details since

    Any assistance you can provide to resolve/re-ship my order successfully would be gratefully received.

    Thanks again

  • Hello,

    Order number: 1764964

    Order placed on 12/10/2023, and since no news I still don't have a tracking number.

    I have contacted Fanatec support but have received no reply.

    Can you give me an update on my order?

  • My order number: 1736033

    I ordered from you on August 31. I did not receive any tracking number, my package was returned based on my UPS account due to the lack of information that the warehouse received on Sep 25! I have sent many emails, but I have received only empty promises or answers that say nothing! No progress since then, they couldn't deliver my package in 2 months! It's pathetic and disgusting that they ignore us who paid for their product in advance and put our trust in them! This is no longer the situation that can be remedied by an automated email apologizing and seeking excuses!

    Send my package again! I also took measures to fix this!

  • "Az Ügyfélszolgálati sorban lévő jelenlegi kérések teljes száma körülbelül 8000, és a sorban lévő legrégebbi esetek több mint három héttel ezelőttiek ."

    Man, it's the 9th week since I ordered! Critical and completely amateur what they did! I would have buried myself long ago if I had produced such a lag and amateurishness in anything! Maybe their humanity or their "huge regret" prompts you to seek compensation? Although how could I expect compensation? They can't even complete a simple task, which is to deliver my order! Amateurs!

  • James .James . Member, Administrator

    Hello Saulius, we apologize that you’re not satisfied with your pedals and with multiple orders in general. If you’re looking to get in touch with our Tech Support Team and start an RMA process, please open a ticket by logging into your account and selecting "My Account" > "My Products". There you can select the product(s) in question and open a ticket by clicking the "Support" button (If the support ticket is grayed out, you still need to add the product's serial number. To do this, click on "Add serial number/invoice"). The current response time from our Tech Support Team is just a about a couple of work days. 

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