Preparing to celebrate my 1 month order anniversary...but still no delivery

Im pretty sure this is going to be 1 or many many similar posts. warning i may rant on this one.

I have wanted a Fantec set up for ages now. i dont have a big budget so had to play around with my order to balance what compromises i would need to make with my budget but still be able to really feel i had upgraded my rig.

I finally placed my order on 05th Oct to the UK, i was fully aware of a 4-5 day shipping delay stated by Fanatec, and also that my account may show fully shipped incorrectly. Not a problem i thought, what good people Fanatec are being so open and honest.

Since then the only emails or communication i have received from Fanatec are to promote new items to me.

I got a tracking number on the 16th Oct, which i had to go and find as i wasn't aware it had been added. Since the 16th its status says "Shipment Ready for UPS. Estimated delivery will be updated as soon as possible" this has not moved from this.

I cant contact them, cant chat them and they don't answer the phones.

I checked this morning to make sure there was no stock issues but the website now shows delivery in 4-7 days for my items. It seems that some are receiving their orders after within days - a week now. if this is the case and delivery issues are all now "sorted" Where the F*&K is my order?????

I didn't expect to be getting my credit card bill before my order.

Im at a bit of a loss now as to what to do next.

More then anything why do they think that lying to customers about delivery times to lure them, taking full payment including over 30 euros postage charge (which is even more of a joke given the wait) and then just burying their heads in the sand is ok?

No communication, no Sorry, no true admission of the level of the issues, no compensation, not even a half hearted attempt at trying to appease the hundreds of very frustrated customers.

I really dont want to cancel or put a claim against my order, but what else can i do? other then sit at the mercy of a company who clearly have no respect or appreciation fro their customers?


  • You should cancel. The company is failing. Even if it does arrive at some point, as they are impossible to contact so you will have the same problems with warranty claims - which you very likely will have. Look a the number of hardware failures users are experiencing.

    Shop elsewhere - Fanatec are not a viable option.

  • The only solace you can take from ranting on this forum is that you (and the many, many others) are hurting Fanatec by posting about these issues, as I, like you have wanted a fanatec setup for a long time, but after reading about the disgusting way they treat their customers, their fans, I won't be buying from them now, I'll be treating myself to a Moza bundle for christmas.

    It's a little more expensive but it's a price worth paying.

    I have seen Fanatec staff on these forums, why on earth they don't get involved and put out some fires here and do some damage control is totally incomprehensible to me as a business owner. They truly don't deserve the following they have.

    Good luck with your order, I hope you get it sorted soon.

  • If I could get a Moza I would definitely have done it by now. They know how to post parcels! 😂 maybe we should get them to introduce themselves to Fanatec.

    But I play on console PS5 mostly and they are not compatible.

    in fact not many work with PS5 😔

  • I placed an order over the weekend and I'm now finding out about all these issues...I'm scared...and thinking about canceling my order...even though it's in that stupid Order shipped status.

  • I have seen alot of recent orders being fulfilled so you may be one f the lucky ones. none of this makes any sense. i cant even start to imagine what kind of "system" they are using to dispatch orders. there must be arms flapping everywhere.

    I have emailed them now for all the use that will be. if i don't get movement or hear back in a few weeks which i suspect will not happen, i will contact my credit card company and buy a Moza with console adaptor instead

  • I received my order exactly one month after placing it. (placed Sept 29 - received Oct 29).

    Keep fingers crossed you receive yours soon.

  • What steering wheel have you purchased? Did the better QR1 get included or it came with the QR1 lite plastic one?

  • Commande n 1756679 du 02 octobre 2023

    toujours aucune information de fanatec


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