Another email full of lies

I haven't received any tracking information from UPS, nor does anything appear when I search on UPS by reference number, and the tracking number is not visible on my order 1764113 details page on PC. Don't send me emails containing lies about the same.


  • I also just got the same one for a second time. I don't believe it for one minute.

  • Ok ok I take it back slightly.

    This email is slightly different. The one last week suggested it was stuck in customs - which wasn't relevant because my shipment was still with Fanatec. This email however says the improper documentation issue has been resolved, which is relevant to my order as that's why it was returned.

    There's a smaaaaaall chance they've gone round a bunch of returned shipments and included the documentation to them, allowing them to be re-sent with UPS. Let's see what happens Monday I guess.

  • In my case they've never sent anything. An email saying customs issues with my order are resolved is nonsense because there's never been any customs issues, since they've never sent anything. I've never received a UPS tracking number nor does my parcel appear when I try to track via order number.

  • I dont want my order anymore. I want a refund.

    Is there a way I can tell UPS not to ship it to me?

  • Chris WyattChris Wyatt Member
    edited November 2023

    At least I'm not alone with an e-mail full of crap....

    "We are very sorry it took longer than usual for the tracking numbers to be generated for your order. Normally this data is sent directly to our customers, but due to a data error, this information was not made available to UPS. We were only recently made aware of this issue and have since fixed it."

    Wrong, I had tracking number the day after I made the order, All it said was "Label created - The delivery date will be provided as soon as possible."

    "The good news is, we can now confirm that your order has been shipped with the tracking number ##############. It is currently in transit and should be delivered soon. "

    Wrong, I checked on UPS and guess what, it still says "Label created - The delivery date will be provided as soon as possible."

  • I think (but not 100% sure) you can reject the delivery. If you accept you will have to return at your own cost.

    Somebody please correct me if I'm wrong.

  • Yes, even so they might try to make you pay for any costs incurred in rejecting the delivery, but if you are in the UK and paid by credit/debit card they should have your back if they don't refund in full.

  • You need to tell Fanatec you want to cancel for refund - not UPS.

    If you have already told Fanatec this and they shipped anyway, then you can simply not accept the parcels and ask UPS to return to sender.

  • I'm now in the same position, I requested my order be cancelled on the 27th and again on the 30th and today I get a message from UPS confirming the order is being shipped. I even raised a case on the 27th with PayPal.

    I always wanted Fanatec but after this my main worry is that Fanatec are so crap that if anything goes wrong with this hardware I have some very expensive paper weight's and no support.

    Will be getting advice from PayPal on how to proceed.

  • What did PayPal have to say?

  • I had the exact same email on Friday, still nothing today from UPS, starting to wish I went with Moza.

  • ordered on 20th October

  • Finally got my UPS tracking via the order reference search and the parcels appearing on my UPS account this evening. 9/12 parcels are on the move so lets so if they actually get here.

    Fanatec emailed me to say that their email on Friday didn't mean that everyone would receive their tracking on Friday, just that supposedly the customs blockade is now resolved, and the tracking should be available shortly. Even though the email didn't read like that it does seem to tally up with now receiving the tracking today.

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