Turn OFF LED and Segment on BMW GT2 V2

Hi !
How is it possible to deactivate the Rev Lights and Segment display on the bespoke wheel ? Playing EA WRC there seems to be no possibility to turn the automated signals off. Tryed Fanalab but still lights up although all settings in Fanalab are deactivated...
Thanks in advance !
Fanalab does not support the game exactly because of this issue. The game lacks this Basic functionality to disable LED and Display support. It is currently not possible to turn it off.
open a wheel and cut wire what goes to leds, everything is possible with firmware tho but yes currently there not seems function for this specific feature
It's not Firmware related, it's game related as the game does not offer such a functionality at this point.
Cutting a wire is (obviously) no solution.
firmware developer can easily turn off the leds for example if he develops example with multi combination buttons needed push. leds and other stuff all related directly to firmware
This is also no valid option and wont happen.
Way too much to do anyway atm, absolutely zero ressources to implement such a feature for just one game when it's up to the game in the first place to implement such a Basic functionality.
just for one game? turn off leds been asked kind off multi times from players at this forum, also fanalab self is useless for console players so they cant todo that at there if they want
You can turn off the LEDs in pretty much every game.
As said, that is definitely not a feature which the firmware will implement anytime soon so in this specific case the OP needs to wait for the game to implement the option to disable LEDs and Display.
Maurice Böschen
you should not stab other a backside who wants help. this feature not exist at other brands take this as advange
I only said the truth: it wont happen on a FW side anytime soon due to absolutely no ressources left for this.
So the best option for the OP is to wait for the game to implement that option.
One more option in your software's UI:
If a userselect OFF then you compeltely switch off the leds, without knowing which games wanan be played. Easy af!
"the OP needs to wait for the game to implement the option to disable LEDs and Display."
That's Funny. Isn't it?
If EA WRC could already support Fanatec LEDs , then the game could handle them and should no more require to switch them OFF to not hurt pur eyes
Simple logic 😊
this kind feature should be build inside hardware firmware self for make it work at all platforms, its still easy tho but like i understand he told they not have resources for this, i guess they focus atm for something else
Thanks for the answers and sorry this created such a messy talk !
Let's hope they add this in the Game soon and maybe you can also use this Input for future Firmware/Software developments to maybe make this a priority.
In the meantime I will just vinyl wrap the display and cover the LED'S with some 3D print part, if anybody else is interested, contact me :)