Type of QR on bundled Ready to race CSL DD


can support from Fanatec please tell me which QR system will be shipped with "CSL DD Ready2Race BMW bundle for PC ( 5 Nm)" priced 419,85 EUR, is it QR1 or QR2? I need to know whether I have to buy the Base side and Wheel side QR2 if I want QR2, I would hate to receive lets say the BMW Wheel with QR1 and base with QR2 (QR1 on the wheel is free so I guess it comes with QR1?) What about the base, which QR does it have?

Further, if I add to card the BF deal with CSL DD pro upgrde kit for pedals which also comes with 8 Nm boost, do I still get the 5 Nm power supply from the original bunde? ( I want to have both power supplies in case one fails).

Attached is the pic of my shopping cart, I haven't pressed "BUY" yet only because I don't know these things mentioned above.

If the DD bundle comes with QR2 then I can remove the QR2 base and wheel side from the shopping cart...

thanks in advance for helping..


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