Order refund??

I ordered a wheelbase on October 10th but immediately cancelled it so it was never processed. The money came off my credit card though. Countless support tickets, no refund at all. Its been well over a month and I have heard nothing. Wtf is going on with these clowns?


  • You should contact your credit card company.

    Fanatec are completely incompetent as you've unfortunately now found out. Delays like this are completely unacceptable and against consumer law. EU companies have 14 days from the notice of cancellation or the date the goods were returned to process refunds before they are in breach of the directive. As your item was not even posted their 14 days started on the day that you informed them that you wished to cancel.

  • Yeah I have contacted my credit card company and they said they have to do an investigation and get a hold of the company. I responded with "Good luck to you, if I could get a hold of someone I wouldn't be calling you." I don't know what the hell is taking them so long.

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