Black Friday Orders | Shipping Update 2



  • I really don't know wtf is going on and why my order is still in process? Ordered 29/11, everything was in stock and it's still in process.

    If the status doesn't change by friday I will cancel this shit and order a thrustmaster tx untill moza releases the R3 bundle.

  • Did u have something that was not in stock at the time?

  • So it seems that most likely the V2.5x is out of stock, I see that a lot of people with that wheel in the order haven't received anything, and no tracking number.

    @James could you please tell us what is this about? It seems like a big coincidence that there are a lot of orders with the V2.5x wheel in them and no tracking number.

  • Everything was available when I placed the order.

    Then the QR2 Wheel Side changed to "Preorder Dec, 15th", then it was updated to "Preorder Jan, 5th" and now it's "Preorder Jan, 3rd"...

    Long wait...

  • Cyril FavreCyril Favre Member
    edited December 2023

    OK thanks, seems the same for me, I received tracking number today for this order, delivery is scheduled for Thursday the 14th, and the 13 items of the second order are scheduled to be delivered Wednesday the 13th. If no problem with UPS, all 16 items ordered during BF should be at home at the end of this week.

    If everything goes well with the delivery, for my part everything went well with Fanatec, the delay is acceptable given the volume of orders for their BF deals.

    Hoping that customers happy with the savings they made, prevail over the dissatisfaction (justified or not) of others, and that in the coming years there will still be good deals to be made.

    Finally, this year it was the offers that made me buy, without these offers there would have been no purchase at all.

  • If you know, was it ordered on 24th or later? Because I think some early orders were delivered, then all of a sudden no more reports of v2.5x delivery.

    I'm realizing now it could be a slight delay as they had all of them in hold while they checked and sorted out the glitch orders.

    Andrea got my hopes up if he sees the 13th on the tracking number of the QR.

  • I'm suspect of their actual predictions because a lot of people who placed orders before the date they are supposedly servicing have not yet received their orders. I think these guys are able to fulfill only a few hundred orders a day and they have 60,000+ they now have to fullfil.

  • Order 185*** ordered on November 27th already appears on UPS on the way divided into 5 packages, with a delivery date of Friday, December 15th. Finally some light.

    This information does not appear on the Fanatec website, nor have I received any email with a tracking number, neither from Fanatec nor from UPS. However, the data appeared to me today for the first time, putting the reference number of the order to Fanatec, with the country (Spain), and my postal code. Everything indicates that it is correct given that the purchase was 4 products plus a gift from Fanatec. All of them appear with a tracking number on the UPS website, but with the first figures removed.

    I hope everything goes normally from now on. If I find out more information I will inform everyone here. That many of us are eager for good news. And this at least is something.

  • Don't ask James anything! Four days ago he said "We have just gone through exporting the orders from November 24th...".

    So, don't bother poor man, it's better for all of us to don't know anything about out shippments 😁

    And someone please, change the name of this topic to "Abandon hope all ye who enter here"


  • Salut pareil. Je suis en France. Commande du 24/11 pour un csl dd, bundle avec le 2.5x, des capuchons, un pédalier v3. Pas de numéro de suivi, rien sur UPS. Je me demande si je vais recevoir quelque-chose. C'est dingue d'encaisser pour ensuite dire qu'il y aura du retard. J'aurais dû aller chez Moza. J'avais un volant t500 et un t150. J'ai vendu les 2 après l'achat chez Fanatec. Maintenant je me retrouve sans rien. J'ai la haine...

  • That's what pisses me off.

    Even I received something from an order from 11.30.

    but I also ordered on the 22nd... how can that be!?

    I may have a bit more luck.

    Since December 6th everything has been shipped.

    Now of course there are waiting times because of the new logistics partner... it's a joke.

    I hope the best for you

  • I can unsterstand that if i knew all this problems with Fanatec i think i gone Moza or bought a simple T300 RS on Amazon less expensive and working and currently i was playing and not get a stomac ache on forums that's crazy!

  • Hallo,

    hier mal ein kleiner Kommentar, welcher vielleicht den ein oder anderen ein wenig beruhigt.

    Ich habe am 22.11. meine Bestellung aufgegeben.

    Heute, also am 11.12. kam die Bestellung an, ohne Email von Fanatec mit Tracking Nummer.

    UPS stand einfach vor der Tür und wir waren froh, dass die Nachbarn das Paket angekommen haben.

    Also 3 Wochen ab dem Tag der Bestellung solltet ihr einplanen.

    Viele Grüße aus Deutschland

  • I ordered on November 24th and I still haven't received the tracking number and trying to search on the UPS website, I couldn't find the order with the reference of my order. I don't think anything has been sent yet. I also ordered the v2.5x steering wheel.

    The order has been shipped since November 29th..

    I live in Italy.

    Thank you Fanatec for your honesty and sincerity

  • Of course it’s easy, they completely screwed my order , they ship it on time ,but I t’s lost now , FedEx says that fanatec shows fraud activity and they will not deliver my order to me and instead they will ship it back to sender, fanatec is not responding to my email more than two weeks now , I have no idea what will be next, I have no support at all , so what are you expecting from me ?

  • I Hope those will receive their stuff After delay will have working products .... Just to say

  • edited December 2023

    If u added APM with a wheel, like the V2.5X which was on BF sale, you got an extra discount on top of that already good price 😅 not sure if you had to add something else too...

  • I have now received most of my order but the wheel itself is missing in LA and has been in transit for 11 days now. It has only been scanned a few times and is now in transit between facilities for 4 days.

    This also seems to be the 2.5x wheel which is odd.

    With Fanatec unable to respond to requests for 14-21 days it presents a big problem when a key piece of the order goes missing.

  • My pre-order date just shifted from 12/8 to 12/15. Although I do expect my order to get cancelled seeing as the F1 2023 wheel+APM comes with a mystery 53.95$ discount.

  • this company is full of shit, the only solid thing to come out of germany are porsches.

  • edited December 2023

    I just want to know where is my order, 2 weeks later the payment i don't have any tracking number or mail

  • ok guys i need some answer. I ordered v2.5x on 24.11 at 3.50 pm and few days after i ordered the apm

    SO HOW CAN YOU EXPLAIN ME, why my APM is in the hand of ups but my v2.5x is not. how you manage your sending

    I have some big doubts that you don't have the stocks and your are playing with me and all the other customers who purschase the v2.5x it's not acceptable.

    Like now its 15 business days past since my order was labeled completely shipped and nothing so you need to make somes explication because i close to call you a clown business now

  • What I think is, Fanatec wouldn’t think so much 2.5x wheel would be sold and they’re totally out of hands. I guess they don’t have any left and are honoring orders as the production goes on.

    the 2.5x is out of stock on the website and will be for months. Also, we who ordered the wheel will have to wait from 1 day to several weeks to get it.

    its really up to your luck now. Don’t expect to get it for Christmas or new years though. I ordered mine on November 24th and don’t expect to get it for another month at the very least.

    actually, I’m starting wondering if we’re ever gonna get it. Some of us will, some of us might not 🤷🏼‍♂️

    those who get their orders now aren’t the ones who ordered the 2.5x.

  • Jen ChouJen Chou Member
    edited December 2023

    Now that I think about it...

    Im still missing a damper, the shifter clamp and the wheel (2.5X) but there are only 2 parcels left in transit.

    Is it really the case that my order shows completed shipped and i dont even have a wheel in the mail yet despite already getting the base?

  • I think the Formula 2.5x is not yet in stock and they are waiting for the container from China, as is so often the case. Wouldn't be the first time. It was the same with the CSL DD.

    They're playing for time again. Nothing new at Fanatec.

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