Xbox series X - CSL DD 8nm - ACC & Forza Motorsport (8) wheelbase and ingame settings ?

hi there,

there are many people asking for this including myself.

So can you please share your Xbox series X - ACC & Forza Motorsport 8 Wheelbase settings for the CSL DD 8nm and also your Ingame settings.

(share only Xbox series X, ACC & Forza Motorsport 8 settings for CSL DD 8nm here please !)

Thank you 👍


  • The sugested Settings for ACC on Xbox Series consoles you can find here in the Game Section and they work quiet well.

    For Forza Motorsport there is no specific preset atm, but you can Start with the Settings for FM7. Otherwise you find some good, but totally different Settings for FM on YouTube from "TractionGG" or "Ermz" for example. Check out "Ermz" Settings, i like these one most.

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    Thanks Manuel.

    Yeah I don't like these settings from most YouTubers they run heavy (even in normal car class) and with feedback for almost everything.

    I checked out Ermz and Boosted Media also but I am looking more for a realistic car steering feeling without the feeling for bumps, slides or traction.

    So I only wanna feel the feedback from my tires/dampers load to road and steering force feedback, more I don't need. (so no feedback for loss of traction, bumps in road or curbs) does somebody know how to achieve this?

    I can see with my eyes when a car becomes to a slide so I don't need feedback from loose tires or bumps in the road or vibration etc. Vibration off is simple explained so I turned this already off. The rest for achieving this feeling I explained is still a mystery..

  • I don't know the game, but generally what you're looking for is achieved by lowering the FEI value on the wheel.

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    "I can see with my eyes when a car becomes to a slide so I don't need feedback from loose tires or bumps in the road or vibration etc."

    With all due respect, if you're waiting until you *see* your car sliding before you react, it's already too late and you'll never catch it in time. With proper FFB, you'll feel the tires loading up to the point of peak grip, and the subsequent loss of grip once you go beyond that. You'll be able to feel all this and instantly and instinctively react to it - long before your eyes ever tell you anything's wrong.

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    I am gonna try this thanks.

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    First of all thanks for responding Gregg Domain.

    I understand what you are saying but I do not totally agree with this.

    I am a controller player in most racing games and I'll do more then fine without any type of feedback because it's distracting me more then it's helping me on a controller.

    I am new in 'sim' racing on a wheelbase (I recently bought myself a playseat and DD Wheelbase with a wheel and pedals) and I am way slower on a wheel now then on my controller but it is just a matter of time to get used to this force feedback feeling on a wheel. But i do not want to get distracted or getting used to, by things/feedback that are not total necessary for me so that is why I wanna achieve the setting that I discribe in my question.

    I don't wanna learn to drive on a wheelbase totally depending on every type of force feedback that is available. So for me it's not necessary to feel when I am loosing grip because I know how a car drives and how much I can push it to it's limit. Of course I do spin out sometimes but then I just adapt myself by not pushing it to hard the next round I don't need force feedback for this. I also don't need to feel the curbs or bumps on the road through force feedback because it is distracting me. I can hear and see when I go over them so don't need this force feedback feeling and I don't wanna get used to this either.

    So that's why I asked if someone know how I can achieve this from my wheelbase and ingame settings.

  • All effects, road, sliding, understeer are artificial. They can't really be calculated with the current FFB refresh rates of games, which max out at 400Hz. In some games the sliding effect looks very natural, but in others it's just an unnecessary distraction.

    The FFB that comes from the physics of the game makes you understand every movement of the car.

    Raceroom, for example, offers a completely clean FFB of any kind of secondary effects (which you can still add), and it's absolutely fantastic. Every movement of the steering wheel lets you know exactly what the car is doing. It feels pretty flat on the straights, but when the FFB comes on the steering wheel it really feels like you're driving a race car.

    In the most recent update, ACC also seems to be moving towards this setting, less secondary effects and more pure FFB. Many players had complained, but it is much easier to drive the car without any side effects.

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    Thanks that explains a lot.

    So I can't really filter out some of these side effects separately in the game settings or from my wheelbase settings because it's most times all mixed together in game?

    Correct me if I am wrong but It's really how Developers construct the force feedback in a game and we can filter some things out or lower/boost some settings in the game and on the wheelbase, but we are not free to fine tune most of the developers intended force feedback in a game to our liking..

  • For those who wonder how I achieved this, here are the secret settings that nobody is sharing (for ACC on series X) :

    SEN - 480°

    NDP - 15%

    NFR - 5%

    NIN - 20%

    INT - off

    FEI - 20

    FOR - 100%

    SPR - 50%

    DPR + 100%

    BRF - 40% or 35%

    INGAME Settings : 

    GAIN - 70%

    Dynamic Damping - 100%

    Road Effects - 10%

    Frequency - 400Hz

    Steer Lock - 480°

    Enjoy & try it out, you gonna like it !

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