FANATEC insults people - NO 25% !

Fanatec deliberately cheated customers for its own interest.

they deliberately left the possibility of combining BF packages with enormous discounts.

at first it seemed that Fanatec wanted to treat customers with generous BF discounts, but now in the end it can be seen that it is all a premeditated scam by Fanatec and their director Thomas.

they also did not state anywhere that BF packages should not be combined, and at the same time, the web shop regularly performed actions that it had defaulted to before.

they knew everything and deliberately let it go for their own benefit.

the financial picture at the end of the year is a big deal in the business world.

but to do all this and base your fame on lies and tricks.

and then, after 3 weeks, they offered 10% in such a vile way, and after shame on the forum and fb, they decided that it was too little.

Fanatec! 25% to get out of the shit is not enough. It's 35%!


  • this will probably work and get the results you're looking for.

  • 25% of all the products is fair enough in my eyes

    You can still wait till next year and get all the BF deals. There are loosing a lot of money. Alone with the v2.5x. There must now produce thousands of them and get 199,95.

    I have no interest that fanatec goes bankrupt. Because the products are great.

  • of course it's fair after they offered 10%. but not enough.

    lost a lot of money? they are not. you go for quantity. there are still profits. you take the cake from other competitors, you get state subsidies, investors. if only they managed to keep customers.

    but it looks like it's too late for that.

    moza, simagic, simucube, they all wait for customers with open arms and say fanatec thank you.

  • Yes but they have pro and cons too. At the moment fanatec have the best offer if you want step in the DD universe.

  • Hum, no they don't anymore.

    That was true a couple of years ago. It's not anymore.

  • 8 nm Base for 299 if you buy it with wheel and pedals. i would say this offer is not beaten so far

  • QR1 sold out

    QR2 pre-order

    you have nothing to buy

    what's wrong with you? Come on, look at what you're studying and what you're calculating!

    what you are talking about is the r2r bundle which is €400. and yes, it turns out €300 with 25%. but it is not 8nm, is 5nm. and QR1 sold out.

    otherwise there is an even better option. you take that package for €300 (when QR1 will come, if will ever come), order a brick adapter from Aliex for €45 and you have 8nm.


  • Its disgusting how it looks in retrospect... BF Deals ! announce items are in stock, take the orders, take the money, lock the orders ' completely shipped / handover to warehouse' realize you have no stock, keep everyone in the dark as long as possible with bread crumb announcements. (meanwhile Announce great earnings call) then inform everyone 4 WEEKS LATER that the wheel you ordered that was supposedly in stock and ready to be picked up by FedEx in 4-7 days (plus a 15+ day backlog) oversold and it wont be ready in 5 months. WTF!

    Literally the definition of a Ponzi scheme, taking orders without stock to then produce months later after the fact, like the fuck is that. Such a convenient excuse every time, oh the warehouse software glitch, shipping container delay, new warehouse, etc.. A JOKE. most successful sim company in the world and they operate like a fuckin corner store who just figured out how to sell online.

    "Oh no ! the customers are upset we cannot fulfill their orders as promised? SHUT THE PHONES DOWN ! we cant have any distractions coming up with the list of youtubers we need to pay off and send our items to so they can sell our products for free. dont forget to pay them extra to not say shit about our logistics!" - Fanatec probably

  • German precision. everything very carefully planned.

    you know they have practice with it. long-time users say that this is normal, it was like that before. means that for years they have played the same trick on which they take people's money to show the financial situation at the end of the year. and they get many benefits from that. customers? victims and sheep, naive.


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