How does "Official Licensing" work???

On Fanatec's website on the DD+ page, it says "officially licensed for PS5". Im just wondering what we are waiting for if it was already officially licensed???


  • ScSc Member

    I think there’s a small note on the product site which states that final approval of Sony is pending or something similar.

    As far as I’ve read Sonys licensing Programm for third party companies is very challenging and Japanese companies tend to cancel or delay agreements last minute.

    sony just got fined by the France authorities because of their unclear licensing system.

    for the DD+ situation I think there was something like a pre approval from Sony otherwise they didn’t start mass production of the base.

    so there are a few possibilities

    1. there is no one at Sony who can give final approval because vacation or sick leave.
    2. officially licensed product usually have the ps logo or the button symbols on the product and that’s why simracing hardware is sold as bundle. On DD+ there’s only the blue ring on the back. DD Pro was available as a bundle only when they released it and base only a few months after.
    3. Sony is also testing the product before approval and they found a flaw or malfunction in software/hardware.

  • Auf der deutschen Internetseite steht nicht, dass die Lizenzierung noch aussteht. Auf der englischen Internetseite steht, dass die Lizenzierung noch aussteht. Da ich aus Deutschland komme und die Muttersprache von Fanatec auch deutsch ist, gilt die deutsche Version.

    Auf der deutschen Internetseite steht, dass die DD+ bereits von Sony lizenziert wurde

    The German website does not say that licensing is still pending. The English website states that licensing is still pending. Since I come from Germany and Fanatec's native language is German, the German version applies.

    The German website states that the DD+ has already been licensed by Sony

  • ScSc Member

    yeah that’s right just realized that but I wouldn’t put too much into it since we all got the mail yesterday

  • Thank you for the response. That's pretty convoluted if that's the way Sony and Fanatec are operating. "Officially Licensed" shouldn't mean that they have hopes and dreams of it being approved. I wonder if the hold-up could also be because of the fines in France so they are re-evaluating?

  • that could be one reason yes why fanatec still waiting, because off that france fine in 20 detsember

    there was also other lawsuit happening at november for sony ?

  • they say by half januari so in 2 weeks i am counting on another update tops januari 20th i hope we have an official date when the licence is done and it cant be send from the warehouse

  • Damn, December 20th is when the fine happened!!?? That actually make sense then. That's right in between when we were supposed to receive it. I didn't realize it was that recently.

  • OK so this is actually pretty interesting as they were fined 14million for damaging third party controllers. So this new chip set that the Clubsport DD+ has a good chance of being there to avoid that? Another guess but I can't help but to speculate.

  • damaging the company's reputation as seems Sony played with voltages what shut the unlicensed controllers off.

    im assuming this happened kind off some time now and they gathered all the evidence

  • ScSc Member

    i don’t think that fanatec themselves started production into the blue and hope for the best but we can’t do more than hope for the best and end get an update mid January.

  • Allan LehtlaAllan Lehtla Member
    edited January 5

    this could be also issue why some fanatec players been sometimes complain that they loose connection with they playstation

    they talk EMI issue but what actually may happen Sony is been manipulate with voltages what causes disconnect

  • ScSc Member

    Never had this issue with my DD pro. I thought the random disconnects where caused by the shaft coming loose

  • shaft loose is totally something else. and i not talk about that

  • ScSc Member

    Ok didn’t know about that but theoretically possible when Sony is playing with the voltages to force dosconnects

  • I also had disconnections. Since I did it in the following episode, I've never had any disconnect again.

    1. Wheel Base on

    2. Playstation on

    3. Playstation Account login

    3. USB into the Playstation

    4. Register Wheel Base on the Playstation.

    Since this order I have no more disconnects

  • accounting to france it happens at time when playstation 4 does update so i could be that not every user see that.

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