CSL DD 8Nm - Heavy FFB when driving slow
Mateusz Guzowski
Hi, whenever I'm standling still or driving below 10km/h, the force feedback becomes unnaturally heavy. As soon as I cross 10 km/h it becomes normal. Happens on any car on any track. What can be the cause of that? I've tried many different settings like "lower speed FFB reduction" in CM but it doesn't do anything. Otherwise FFB behaves normally. Happens in all the cars also with those with power steering, it's just ridiculously heavy that I have to use a lot of force, as soon as I cross 10km/h it becomes much lighter. Had similar issues with G29 years ago so I believe it's a game config problem.
Pls help
CSL DD 8Nm with P1 Rim.
The DPR controls the "driving slow" heaviness below 10 kph in AC and ACC. Reduce DPR or completely set it to OFF, then the FFB wont change when driving slow.
Where do I change it?
EDIT ok i found, tuning menu
It helped. Thanks a lot!!
So its same like driving a real car with no servo thats damn hard i did this in real life can immagine its frustrating
that is normal car behavior if car turns heavy at slow speed, it means car not have the steering power
I know but it was happening with all kind of cars, it was significantly heavier, then much lighter after crossing that 10kmh threshold.
Thanks, It worked for me too!