Formula 2.5X

in F1 20xx
Hi guys
Looking for advice if possible, I just got my F1 2.5x steering wheel yesterday went to set it up. works great!! but no rev lights or anything works on the wheel. A lot of people say this is an Xbox issue as it works on PC okay. Is this the case or is there a mod you can do to get it working how it should??
LEDs and the Display as well as most extra buttons are not yet supported on Xbox.
A Xbox SDK and new Firmware to support these features is in development to be released this year. The SDK will be shared with game developers which then need to implement this SDK into their games via a game patch update.
Ultimatively it will be up to the games to support these features later this year then. For now these features indeed just dont work on Xbox.
Maurice thank you so much for your quick and informative response!! Apologies im new to sim racing but what does SDK stand for??
So with a bit of luck we might see the rev lights working on xbox later this year then??
Hi there,
Could you share if this was a delivery in US or EU?
The wheels are still out of stock in EU, just curious if they got a new batch.
Scotland (United Kingdom) I ordered mine on 22/11 when they were in stock
Thanks for the feedback.
You're the first one I hear about getting the wheel since last year. In EU at least. I think they ship from the same WH in UK. Did you had the BF discount for it? Not sure when the offer went live, most ordered on 24th.
Don't want to get my hopes up, I kind of convinced myself they're never going to send those orders.
Software development kit. It's a bunch of software tools that games developers can use to make things happen in their games. For example the Devs can say they want the revs too display on your wheel, but they don't need to worry about how to make the LEDs light up on a bunch of different types of wheel. They just call on that part of the SDK to handle the details.
The 2.5X has disappeared from the Fanatec EU Store?